Chapter One - Your Lucky Guy

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"I never said I wanted to go." Bucky said frustratedly.

"Oh come off it!" You replied annoyed. "You said yesterday you would come along, it's Wanda's birthday."

"I know and I'll see her tomorrow, I'm just a bit tired." He replied, slightly defeated.

"Fine, but I'm still going to go."

"That's fine, you go and I'll stay here and see you when your back." He said, standing up and forcing a smile before giving you a kiss on the cheek.

You let him place his hand on your side while he did so, before walking out of his room to start getting ready. You had about 45 minutes before the event began downstairs for Wanda's birthday so you headed back to your own room to start getting ready.

After you were changed and ready you sat on your bed for a moment, got out your phone and wrote a text to Bucky:

'Sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to sound short I was just hoping we could go together. Will come through to yours after the party. Wont be too late - love you B x'

You hit the send button and made your way down to the party. Most people were down already so you made your way over to where Wanda was sitting chatting to Sam, Vision and Nat. As you walked over all four of them glanced in your direction, Wanda stood up to give you a hug, Sam and Vision smiled and Nat turned her head and began to type on her phone. Something about her intimidated you and made you feel nervous.

"So glad you're here, you look lovely!" Wanda said, cheerily.

"You know I wouldn't miss it for the world - happy birthday! And so do you by the way, Vis is a lucky guy!" You said with a wink at Wanda and Vision who laughed in response.

"Speaking of, where's your lucky guy? Is he coming?" Sam said casually. You saw out of the corner of your eye Nat look up from her phone and tune into the conversation once again. She glanced up and down at you, analysing you from her seat. Her gaze unnerved you and you felt a twinge of nerves in your stomach.

"Not tonight, I think he's still a bit tired from that combat mission yesterday." You said with a smile. Wanda looked at you sympathetically, knowing full well you would have been disappointed at him missing another social event.

You glanced around and noticed Nat's eyes were still on you, pausing for a moment as yours met them. She looked very attractive, her long red hair straight and wearing a tight-fitting black dress with heels. She pouted at you slightly before frowning and looking back down at her phone.

"That's fair enough, it was a tough one." Sam responded finally, breaking the tension. "You want to grab a drink?"

"Sure, thanks Sam." You smiled at him as he stood up and the two of you walked to the bar.

As you guys headed back over with your drinks you found only Vision at the table, he smiled at you as the pair of you sat down on the sofa next to him.

"The girls had enough already?" Sam asked Vision, jokingly. Vision smiled at this and shook his head calmly.

"Not at all. I believe Wanda is changing shoes in our room, and I don't think Natasha said where she was going." He said, still smiling.

You and Sam shrugged at this and you reached down to the table to pick up your drink for a sip. As you did so you glanced around the room at the other party guests. It was busy - not the busiest you'd seen it - but all of the seats were taken and a number of people had gathered in small groups to chat. There was music playing overhead in the background, and a bar serving cocktails.

As you scanned across the room your eyes fell upon the red-haired assassin who, once again, was already looking in your direction as she made her way towards the stairs. She smiled curtly in your direction, almost smugly, before looking away and making her way up the stairs.

Her facial expression confused you, you weren't sure what that look meant, but she had had a couple of drinks so you thought nothing more of it and turned back to the conversation between Sam and Vision.

"And what was it we were drinking that night again?" Sam turned to you, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to remember.

"Gin. Definitely gin - because I remember having an awful hangover the next day!" You said, shaking your head at the memory.

"Gin, that was it!" Sam said smiling at Vision.

"And there are some types of alcohol that make you feel more or less hungover?" Vision asked politely.

"I'm not sure on the science of it but I sure as hell feel worse the next day if it's gin too." Sam said nodding.

"How interesting. Are there others?" Vision responded.

The conversation continued on for the next 10 minutes or so as the three of you reminisced. You were good friends with Sam, and you loved how cheery him and Wanda always seemed to be. Vision, with his access to almost unlimited information stored in his brain, was also someone you enjoyed chatting with.

A while later Wanda returned down the stairs looking less cheery than before. You smiled at her and stood up as she came over.

"I was just wondering where you'd been! What do you want to drink, I was about to head to the bar?" You smiled at her. Usually she would be beaming back at you by this point, but instead she shook her head quickly then walked closer to.

"I need to talk to you, in private." She whispered, out of earshot of the two guys who were back to being engrossed in their conversation.

"Is everything ok? Are you ok?" You asked, concerned.

"No I'm fine, just come with me." She reached out and gently took your hand, pulling you away from the table and to a door to the side of the room leading on to a set of fire exit stairs.

As she did you glanced around the room to see if anybody was listening in, and once again caught the eyes of Natasha as she walked slowly down the main stairs. She paused as she saw you being let to the side of the room by Wanda, before then turning and walking back up the stairs.

What on earth is going on? And why does she keep looking at me?

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