Author's Introduction

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A short background to give you context for where I imagine the story set:

Roughly set in 2016, you are part of the Avengers having been promoted a few months ago from being a very successful SHIELD Agent. You live at the Avengers compound alongside all of the usual faces: Steve, Tony, Rhodey, Vision, Wanda, Nat, Bucky, Sam, Maria etc.

You are currently dating Bucky and the two of you have been going out for just under a year at this point. Wanda is your closest friend, but you also get on well with most of the others. That is except from Natasha Romanoff, who has never made much of an effort to speak to you and quite frankly intimidates you slightly. You have only had a few conversations with her and always about missions, you're not sure about her.

I hope you enjoy this story - the aim is to keep you in suspense and to be filled with nerves and passion. As always, any and all feedback is welcomed in the comments!


Inevitable (Nat x Y/n)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant