5: Reluctance

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Juvia was never one to ramble about something. But on this particular day, she had to get it off her chest. She had to let someone know what had happened on the job. And who's the better person than her two closest friends. So, on a warm afternoon, they are sitting at a round table in an outdoor cafe. All three of them are finally healed enough to rid themselves of the bandages— with Gajeel being the most happy about that. Due to his body being mostly physical, and unable to withstand physical hits like his two friends can, his injuries lasted the longest.

Despite this, he was in a bitter mood. Not because of being free from bandages, but for his growing hunger.

"When's the waitress coming? I've been waiting for thirty minutes!" Gajeel's complaints cut off Juvia mid-rant, and received a few annoyed glares from the customers nearby.

F/n propped her head on her hand and turned to look at the man through thick lashes,  "Gajeel, sweetheart, the waitress did come by, but you were late (as always) and missed her,"

Gajeel clicked his tongue and leaned back into his chair, and folded his arms behind his head. He moved his unrelenting gaze to the rain woman, and gave her a slight nod.

Juvia sighed and wiggled slightly in her chair,  "I was so caught up in my own fantasy that I missed the culprit and he ran right past me…" She let her head fall onto the table with an embarrassed man.

"I don't ever want to go back…"

Gajeel took another one of the breadsticks,  "Well at least you're done, rain woman. You got the culprit anyways so it's not that big of a deal— meanwhile I got my ass beat by that lightning fuck 3 times in row with a bat with my name on it,"

F/n, wearing a large floppy hat turned to look at him. Her lips curled up into a small smile, and her eyes squinted slightly, "You've mentioned it 5 times dearest, we know,"

"Yeah but no one seemingly cares or asks me to tell my story!" He barked back.

She rolled her eyes as though he was just a minor inconvenience, and turned to look back at Juvia, "Anything else you'd like to add before we move on?" She asked pleasantly.

"See!" Gajeel shouted, and pointed an accusing finger at the woman,  who only chuckled at his antics,  "You don't give two shits about me! I saw God himself coming down from the heavens to tell me I got beaten like a bitch!" His maniacal screaming garnered the attention from the rest of the cafe.

Gajeel, however, as keen as he is, did not notice the judgemental gazes, "Come on Phantom! Spook 'em! Give him a scare! Get death himself to kill him! Avenge me!"

Instead of abiding by his wishes, or supporting his screaming, she pressed a finger to his lips, and leaned over slightly so she encroached in his space,  "Shhh!" She moved away and got comfortable in her seat again, and made sure to wipe her finger on a napkin. 

Gajeel huffed and leaned back into his chair once more, averting his glare to the poor plant that was minding its business. He cursed the plant as if it was the reason why Metalicana left him. His mindless screaming did enlighten the mood just a little. With his overly sharp hearing, he heard a small chuckle from her. It was light and sounded oddly sweet, and it made the tips of his ears grow warmer. 

Usually, laughter or small chuckles was the sign of arrogance, or a sign that she's about to say something offensive. 

Like the time she chuckled at Gray's naked appearance. No words needed to be said. That alone made Gray put on some pants. It was the kind of move that he never thought would work, and frankly, it inspired him to do something like that. But he later decided against it when he realised that would mean he'd have to look at them.

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