✯Three✯ - Emerald Green

Start from the beginning

But having the Snows as a close family friend and neighbor then hadn't been helpful. A particular night before her graduation in highschool she had let her secret boyfriend from another school sneak into her room through her window. Unfortunately for Teresa, Jacob's window was right opposite her, and had caught sight of what was happening. She could never forget the angry look on his face, and the anger in her as he destroyed her first and last relationship.

She'd sworn at that moment to hate Jacob Snow forever. He'd no right over her, so did her dad. At least Gideon understood that part, for he never interfered with her personal life. 

Teresa felt sorry for their younger sister of seventeen years, Gina Snow. She was sure Jacob wouldn't be giving her any breathing space for a romance. Teresa had already seen how Gideon alone was protective of Gina, there's no denying how Jacob reacts.

"Jacob told me a lot about you." Rachel's soft voice snapped Teresa off her thoughts. At her word Teresa's brow raised in amazement, as she gave Jacob a glance then placed her attention on Rachel.

"He did?" 

Rachel nodded. "He spoke of how adventurous you were during your early years."

Teresa couldn't stop herself from scoffing, and rolling her eyes. "I'm anything but adventurous. All thanks to him. He limited me from quite a lot of things." She knew both male could hear their conversations. Having no interest in what Jacob said, she chose to change the topic. "Where are you from?" She asked the other lady.

"Canada. My dad is Korean, and mum is from Canada. He'd moved to Canada to further his studies, when he met my mother in college, and chose to raise his family there." She stated, Teresa wished to ask more. But the voice of the pilot speaking stopped her. 

Putting on her seat belt, she relaxed her back, closing her eyes to smoothen the headache that was about blinding her. She felt the plane take off as she rested. Not knowing when sleep overtook her entirely.

A shake on her shoulder jotted her from her deep slumber. She turned her gaze to who it might have been, to realize it was Gideon, he stood on his feet leaning to her to whisper in her ear. "You're hungry?" He asked, keeping his eyes on hers.

Teresa turned to look out the window, immediately aware they were still on the air. She noticed Rachel wasn't on the seat facing hers, but had taken the seat Gideon once sat on, with Jacob nowhere in sight.

At his question she nodded. Already feeling the hunger creep in. "Come on then." Gideon said, offering one of his hands to her, which she took after he helped her unlock her seatbelt.

Teresa turned to immediately notice Jacob already having his stomach filled, he came to a stop the moment his eyes connected to her hands in Gideon's. He brought his eyes up, she hadn't expected the smirk, and mischief on his face.

She gulped her saliva at the intensity of his gaze.

"Teresa." His raspy voice caressed Teresa's ear surprising her how smoothly and musically he said her name. "Come have a seat." He patted the seat by his side. But instead she took the other one facing him, as Gideon's hand left hers to help serve her meal, from the dishes laid in front of Jacob.

At her ignorance, Jacob gave one of his sinister smirk, which Teresa knew was trouble. No good comes out from that look on his face. And she chose to ignore him, instead placing her attention on Gideon as he gave her a tray of meals, before taking a seat right next to Jacob.

Teresa found it hard chewing and swallowing her meal with Jacob's eyes still on her. Getting fed up with him she snapped. "Will you stop looking at me like that?" She glared at him, her hand tightened on her fork. "Weren't you thought staring was rude?"

She was surprised to hear him chuckle. "It must have skipped my mind? As you said a while ago, I don't have an attentive and calculating memory." He mocked her, with her words to him.

"I see you haven't changed one bit?"

Still smirking, he responded. "You'll get to find out soon enough." At his response Gideon smacked him on his back.

"Stop being an ass." He said, before offering Teresa a sympathetic smile. Mouthing the word sorry. 

Swallowing a whole glass of water, Jacob unexpectedly stood up on his feet walking towards Teresa slowly in a predatory way, as if he was about to pounce on her to devour her whole body. Teresa suppressed a shiver that was about making way to her spine.

He squat down on his knee, surprising Teresa's he took a hold of her hand. She wasn't able to hold back the shiver his hand in hers brought. She found herself unconsciously biting her lower lip, as he brought her hand to his lips to press a kiss on her knuckle while his gaze locked with her's, making her nearly jumping off her seat.

Then he whispered only for her ears alone. "I can't wait to make you see." Saying those exact words, Jacob stood on his feet, turning to stare at his younger brother. "Are you happy now with my apology?" His words only made Gideon scowl at him. Jacob turned back to stare at Teresa, he winked at her before going back to where Rachel who Teresa supposed was his girlfriend sat. His eyes are not leaving Teresa for once.

Run. Run. Her whole body screamed. And that is what she was going to do, stay the hell far away from Jacob Snow. He was nothing but trouble.


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