Vikram looked at her retreating figure with a pang of heartache.

As soon as she left, he gestured Ishika for something and she understood.

He walked back to his chair and sat down.

Vikram:- Kiara you can leave...

He ordered in a harsh tone.

Kiara nodded and left the conference room.

Mr. Singhania:- So now the agenda of this meeting remains that for how much amount we should sue Ms Joshi and the MG Group?

Vikram:- No one is gonna sue anyone for anything.

Vikram directed his statement at Mr. Singhania with a stern voice.

Mr. Rathore:- But Mr. Mehra we need to make up for the lossess that the company has suffered due to this fraud.

Vikram:- And suing Ms Joshi would make up for it....she is not a know...

Mr. Khan :- But MG Group is...

Mr. Singhania:- And as far as Ms Joshi is concerned...A police complaint should be filed against her to put out a statement that our company doesn't tolerate fraudsters....she needs to spend some time in jail to repent what she has done...

Vikram:- Mr. Singhania....I don't know why you are so adamant on sending Ms Joshi to jail?

Vikram glared at him.

Mr. Singhania:- And I don't know why you are so adamant on defending her?

He rebuffed.

Mr. Shishodia:- Mr. Mehra you just fired her because she is guilty and now you are back to defending her...

He questioned looking at Vikram for explaination.

Vikram:- Let me correct you Mr. Shishodia...I fired her because she is an accused not because she is guilty....

Mr. Singhania:- What are you talking about?....It was just proved in front of everyone that she has been lying about the file and you are saying she isn't guilty....this is utter nonsense...

Vikram:- Mr. Singhania....this is a board meeting not your college reunion....please speak in a tone that we can respect....

He roared.

Mr. Khan:- Yes Mr. Singhania... please let's maintain the decorum of the meeting...

Mr. Singhania:- Sorry...

He said in a low voice.

Vikram:- Before anyone bring up further accusations...let me clear somethings up....if we are deciding our verdict on the basis of Kiara's statement, then this board meeting shouldn't have taken place at the first instance...both Kiara and Ms Joshi have joined this company almost at the same time in the same team...if there is a possibility that Ms Joshi is lying, then we can't also deny the fact that there might be a possibility that Kiara is lying.

Mr. Rathore :- What about your secretary Ishika who backed Kiara's statement?...Are you saying she was also lying?

Vikram:- I am saying nothing of this sort. As far as Ishika is concerned, she only backed up Kiara's statement on what color file she handed her over the next day. She didn't back Kiara up on what color file she asked Ms Joshi to bring from my office. And as to the colour of the file,it could have been a clear miscommunication on both Ms Joshi's and Kiara's part.

Mr. Khan :- This is too much speculation on our part without any concrete facts.

Vikram:- That's what I am talking about...if we are gonna address every accusations and allegations in this company on basis of hear say....then trust me....we won't be left with much employees to work with. Even if for a second we believe that Ms Joshi read that file....we don't have any proof that she leaked it to the MG Group. She was just a summer intern who has not yet completed her MBA. I agree that she is very talented but I don't think so that she is qualified or experienced enough to know or find out which company is bidding for which project.

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