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I had set up an appointment with the owner of the club "Diva Fiva".Her name was Miss T. She had stripped here before taking over. I walked in from the back and waved at the large bouncer. Strolling down the enclosed hallway, I could hardly hear myself think over the loud trap music and shouting.

 But, once I got into her office it was complete silence.

"Hi, nice to meet you."I waved shutting the door behind me.

"You must be that China doll Milani was talking about."Miss T grinned from her office chair. 

"Yeah, that's me."I pushed my short curls behind my ear. Now that I had a second to think about the nickname Milani thrust upon me. She could probably tell I was mixed. My mom, Black, and my dad Chinese.

Miss T insisted I stay standing. So I held my small purse in front with both hands.

"Lemme take a look at you now. Mhm, perfect. I think you'll fit right in round here."She nodded with a charismatic gap-toothed grin.

"I got the job? Oh wow, thank you so much!"I shook her hand with a gracious smile.

"You'll start next week. Be prepared with a few routines. I'm sure some of the other girls can help you get started."She gave me an enthusiastic laugh and escorted me back out the back.



It was my third day of training and I was ready to finish up my beginner lessons. 

I walked into the fully lit-up club with my small bag and sat it down with the rest of the girl's things. I could tell which one was Milani's because it was bright pink that read PRADA. Everyone wore just about the same thing. A sports bra and the shortest spandex shorts possible. Since it was day three I had caught on and done the same.

"Aye y'all! China's here."Brazzil announced (another dancer) and the girls turned to look at me. I learned that our stage name was our only name and that was all. 

I waved to the rest of the girls and they got back to practice.

"Hey girl. You ready?"Milani asked me and I nodded. She and Brazzil helped me put on the heels for the last time, after this I'd be on my own. Of course, I've worn heels before but not ones like these!

"You good?"Brazzil asked with a grin and I chuckled before saying yes. Milani nodded with her hands on her hips.

"Right. Class. Is. In. Session."She clapped with each word.

After hours, my legs were exhausted by the time pole work was done. I sat on the stage with my legs spread out and breathing heavily. I had no idea I could even do some of those things. 

Milani bent over me, placing her hands on her knees.

"Come on Doll, I'm not finished with you yet."She smirked, forcing me to get up and keep going.

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