Chapter 18

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Katsuki and Shoto both went to the doctors because at this time they were going to find out the gender of the baby. Shoto asked for a personal doctor and was granted one due to his wealth. Katsuki went on the bed carefully as the cold gel was placed on his belly, he flinched at the coldness as the transducer around, the beat of the baby's heart was loud and that's when the doctor found out the gender.

"You both will be having a girl, congrats!" The doctor said

"Oh my goodness, Kat, we're going to have a girl I am so happy." Shoto replied placing a kiss on Katsuki's lips, who immediately complied and gave back the same energy.

They pulled away from each other and Katsuki looked at the doctor.

"Is there anything I should be mindful of?" Katsuki asked

"Nope, just watch the food intake, don't stress too much and the baby is fine and doing well." The doctor said making Shoto wipe the gel off Katsuki's belly

The two of them left hand in hand and went into Shoto's car and drove off. They both reached in front of the school where Katsuki was met with everyone as he walked in.

"So what's the gender?" Mina asked

"It's a girl!" Katsuki squealed

"Oh my god, I am going to be a god mother to a girl, the adventures we will have Katsuki, you don't know." Mina said

"I know right, we can take her shopping and everything." Uraraka said

"I know our baby is growing." Katsuki said

"Well we don't want you to stress too much and I advise you guys to let Katsuki take it easy." Shoto said 

"Look at him being daddy and husband already." Mina replied gaining a playful glare from Shoto.

"I mean it guys, please just let us take a breather with everything and you too Kat, don't push yourself too hard." Shoto said earning a nod from Katsuki.

"What do you want to eat?" Shoto asked

"I don't know you decide." Katsuki said

"The last time I decide, we ended up in a pretty big fight because I should have known you didn't want to eat Katsudon." Shoto said

"As my boyfriend you were supposed to read my mind 'oh Katsuki and the baby won't love this', is what you should have thought." Katsuki answered back

"I am not going to engage in this conversation with you again Katsuki so please make up your mind on what you want to eat and I will be back." Shoto said walking away to put both their bags away.

"Shoto's getting distant." Katsuki said

"Oh babe he's not, I mean if I had to deal with my moddy partner, who picks a fight with me because he told me to pick something to eat and I did, I too would have gotten pissy, but he should also realize that you are pregnant with his child and your horomones are all over the place bless his heart though." Mina said

"Should I apologize to him?" Katsuki asked 

"Well babe, we don't want to get between lovers spat." Mina said making the others agree.

"I don't know what to do."  Katsuki said 

"Well let him calm down a bit first before you two get into a more deeper situation than how it already is." Mina replied making Katsuki nod.

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