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"Can I go out?" Hank asks leaning against the doorframe to Spencer's office, looking down on his phone.

"What did your Dad say?"

"To ask you, I don't know, he isn't here, is he?" Hank questions looking annoyed, "So can I go?"

"Sure, be here at midnight please." Spencer tells him with a shy smile, rubbing his hands over his pants under the table,

"Can't I stay out longer?"

"Your curfew is at midnight on the weekend."

"From Dad"

"I am not going to change it without his permission." Insecure Spencer looks back at the screen of his laptop,

"But it is way to early."

"We can speak to him about this tomorrow if you want."

"Tomorrow is to late."

"I am sorry but I need you to be home at midnight." Spencer repeats, "I can pick you up if you want to, then you could stay longer." He offers in addition even if he is already tired.

"God no"

"Then please be home then, come see me so I know you are okay."

"Why can't I stay out longer?"

"Because I am not going to overthrow your parents rules." Spencer presses,

"Whatever, this is bullshit." With that Hank turns around and aims for the door, slamming it shut behind him.

With Hank coming into his teenage years Spencer had definitely lost the privilege of being the cool Uncle that lives with them and is away to work most of the time because he is discussing everything, from why he has to shower to why he can't fail another test to why he has to help in the household. And of course Spencer loves him but by now, it just makes him feel uncomfrotable, he hates disagreements and he always wants to make them not fight but they are both hardheads, both Derek and Hank not stopping till they get what they want.

He sends Derek a text that Hank is going out and keeps on working on his paper and when he checks the time it is past midnight, way past midnight and with the realisation he can feel his heart starting to beat faster.

Anxious he reaches for his phone but the kid doesn't pick up, so he calls again and again until he uses Derek's laptop to see Hank's location and at least this is something he seems to be listening to because both Derek and Spencer had given him a talk on how they need to know his location because of their job and that if he turns it of he will be in serious trouble and that Garcia will find it out anyways.

Once he has the location he takes his keys and hurries out to the car, his gun in his holster as he speeds down to the adress. And he knows he should be calling Derek but he also knows he hasn't checked the time carefully enough while writing his paper. He should have known Hank won't be there on time and now it is to late to let Derek know he isn't.

When he arrives he can see a few kids somking cigarettes in front of the house and Spencer passes them, knocking at the door a couple of times before a drunken boy opens the door for him, "Who are you?"

"Is Hank Morgan here?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I am here to pick him up."

"And who are you?" The kid asks again, stumbling a bit before holding himself at the door.

"Special Agent Spencer Reid, he is my nephew" With that he holds the badge under his kids nose, "I suppose you don't want me to ask you for an ID do you?"

"Jeez" The boy steps aside, letting Spencer inside who makes his way through the crowd as he tries not to physically cover his ears with his hands and is relived when he finds Hank sitting on a couch, a drink in his hand and a girl having an arm around him.

"Hank" Spencer calls over the music and he has to call again until he stands in front of him and Hank looks up at him, rolling his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"It's almost two"

"Who cares?"

"I do" Spencer states, "You should have been home one hour and fivty two minutes ago."

"Is that your father?" The girl asks as Spencer covers his ears,

"No that's my stupid uncle." Annoyed Hank gets up from the couch, "You are embarrassing, everyone here can stay longer."

"You worried me, you didn't even pick up your phone."

"Maybe because it is to loud in here."

"You always carry it in your right pocket, you feel the vibration." Anxious Spencer looks around the room, "Please just get up, we need to leave-"

"Jesus don't freak out." Embaressed Hank gets up from the couch and follows Spencer out into the dark where the older man immediately relaxes, flapping his hands a couple of times, "You okay?"

"When I tell you to be home at midnight, you are home at midnight and it doesn't matter if I am just your uncle, you will be there, because I told you so." Spencer tells him while crossing the street.

"Chill, nothing happend."

"I didn't know that because you were just not there, anything could have happened!"

"I was at a party not wandering around the streets."

"Just get in the car."

"You are just paranoid." Hank mumbles and gets in while Spencer takes a few deep breaths before following him. "Will you tell dad?" He asks after they drove in silence for quite a while.


"Is that really necessary?"

"He probably knows anywhere because he will most likely be home by now."

"He is just going to cause a scene." Hank complains, "He will yell"

"You deserve it."

"Come on, Spence. Please. Imagine how mad he will be."

"I know what you are doing and it is not going to work, I won't lie, you will have to get through that."

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