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"Thank you for taking them" With a guilty smile Will looks at Spencer as he hands him Micheal's bag, "I don't know where I catched it." He sneezes, causing Spencer to back away with the disgust written all over his face. "Sorry"

"Spencer!" WIth a wide smile Micheal comes running out, "Is Hank in the car?"


"Awesome!" The kid runs ahead, they have a soccer tunrament today and originally Will was suppsoed to take them but called in the morning to infrom Spencer that he is sick and if he could take them.
"He has everyhing he needs in his bag and I am sure they will teach you all about soccer tournaments that you need to know"

"I bet they will" Sceptical Spencer looks down onto the bag before responding to Micheal walking back to him and grabbing his hand to pull him to the car, "I am coming, I am coming."

"We don't want to be late!"

"We have plenty of time left."

"But you always drive so slow" Hank argues when Spencer gets into the car, "You drive like a grandma." He tells him before the boys break out into laughter,

"Oh yeah? Do grandmas have this?" With that he pulls out sour patches from his back,

"No" Micheal laughs,

"Can we have some?"

"We may need them if i drive to slow" Spencer remarks with a smirk,

"Yeah but then we need to eat them now so we have enough energy to run to the tournament." Hank argues and Spencer hands them the bag, knowing full well that when that kid grows up to be a teenager they will have their hands full to argue with him.

"Will just texted me, thank you for taking the boys, please pack your ear protectors, it can get loud and take a break in between. Love you, you will do amazing." Spencer reads from Savannah as they arrive at the building.

"Okay, what do you need me to do when we get in?"

"We don't get in we meet with our team outside" Micheal explains to him,

"And then we go change and you can talk to the other parents in the meantime." Hank adds.

"Oh okay"

"Yeah and then we will warm up but between our games we have to wait."

"And that sucks, we have to wait over an hour between our third and fourth game" Hank tells him, "But we can run around then"

"I am sure you can" Spencer mumbles and gets out of the car, grabbing their bags from the trunk as the boys run ahead to greet their teammates,

"Oh a new face" One woman exclaims as Spencer joins the circle of parents, to which he only shoves his sunglasses higher on his face and looks at the children being a bubble of energy, excited for their day. He has been at their games before, he just never talked to the others, usually Derek and Will do that.

"You are taking the boys today? I thought it was Will's turn." One dad speaks up, his hands buried in his pockets, he already looks like Spencer won't like him.

"Yes, I am. Will is sick" Spencer tells them, speaking in what Hank would call his "Agent voice", "I am Spencer, I- I am their godfather-"

"Oh Spencer, so I am assuming your name has been an inspiration for Hank's second name" Another woman speaks up,

"Yes" He confirms, nervously still looking at the children and not at the people who are staring at him so rudely. He is just glad he always packs a book, although from what the kids just told him, he will need more than one.

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