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5.The way they fight

The first time she witnesses them arguing it came out of the blue, they had been walking through the city, shopping gifts for Garcia's birthday when Morgan had stopped them and got down on one knee in front of Spencer grabbing his shoe lashes.

"Don't do that." Spencer pulls his foot back.

"I was just tying your shoe laces."

"Don't baby me all the time I can do that."

"Oh yeah? You wanna tie your wet and dirty shoes laces? With your hands?"


"Go ahead."

"You can't tell me to tie my shoes like I am your kid."

"If you fall I am not catching you."

"I don't care."

"Alright." Morgan gets up from the ground and takes Savannah's hand back into his and by the time they make a break at a cafè Spencer's mood hasn't changed. As well as his shoe laces. "And he will have a coffee with whipped cream and as much sugar as you have."

"I can do this myself."

"Sorry" The waiter looks at them confused for a moment until Savannah tells them they are good and he goes to the next table. "If you are tired we can go home after this. We don't need to keep shopping."

"I am not tired we were hardly three hours in stores."

"I know but it is crowded and we would understand if you rather want to go home than to the mall."

"I can go to the mall."

Morgan knows Spencer is acting like this because he is nervous about all these people and the people's noise and actions.

"Stop touching me"

"I didn't touch you." They are standing in front of the changing closets while Savannah tries something on and Morgan is reading something on his phone.

"Yes you did."

"I didn't but fine, I am sorry. It won't happen again." He moves one step aside.

"Don't go"

"Spencer what do you want? Me standing next to you or me standing with a distance next to you?" Even if Morgan knows the reason behind this he has a right to be annoyed by it.

"Stay here." Savannah had heard the whole conversation from inside the small closet and when she came out showing of her dress she was not surprised by Spencer's honesty because while her boyfriend compliments her for it, Spencer just says that it looks like the other five dresses she tried on and that it makes her look like someone who wants to spend a lot money on clothes but can't. Which is not true she just likes the less expensive one more.

"Get your act together man."

"She asked how we like it, I said it."

"We will go out for a second, while Savannah keeps trying on that dresses." Morgan demands. "Move."

"I am not some dog you can order around."

"Start walking." Defeated Spencer leaves before Morgan who sends his girlfriend an apologetic look and then follows him out.

By the time she gets out of the store Spencer is sitting down on a bench next to Morgan, headphones in his ears and reading a book. While Morgan has his arms crossed looking like he is going to bite peoples head off and then changes to smile when he sees her. "Did you find something?"

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