- Born to Dance

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Dancing wasn't just his career, it was his passion. His body flowed as smooth as a flowing river, yet it could be as sharp as a razor. One minute he could be a swan, making elegant movements to the gentle melody of the song, and the next minute he could be a buoyant flame, creating powerful moves to the energetic beat of the song. .

He had trained his whole life to perform, and you could tell by his outstanding performances and the amount of passion he put into them. He danced for so long that the bottoms of his feet became riddled with blisters that over time formed into calluses. Despite the strong skin on the souls of his feet, the continuous harsh dancing caused them to cut open and bleed furiously. He would wrap his marred feet in bandages, and then resume his spirited dancing.

Each day he would spend hours perfecting his movements, not making even the slightest mistake. He didn't want to disappoint the people that supported him, he wanted to make sure that they received a beautiful, passionate performance without any flaws or imperfections.

He wanted to be the finest, most talented dancer that he was capable of being.


Performing is a unique form of self-expression and fulfillment, creating experiences that only exist in the moment of the performance and then resonate only in our individual and collective memories. Each person watching the performance has a different interpretation of it, and their interpretation is what remains as a memory for them. Performing satisfies the inner, more selfish need to be valued and appreciated, to impress others, to be loved.

He stepped out onto the large, hardwood stage, the audience cheering loudly at his arrival. He could feel the energy radiating off of the crowd, he could feel it all over his body. His heartbeat in his head, head in his heart, stomach in his throat, and his mind in the audience. He had never felt more alive. Seeing each person in the crowd supporting him, ready to watch his performance, it gave him something to live for and work towards.

Soon, the audience quieted down as the show was about to start. The lights went out only to come back in the form of a spotlight on Ooga Booga. He took his position, back slightly arched, arms gracefully twisted above his head, right leg crossing over the left.

The slow, melodious harmony began to play, he waited for the sixteenth count before beginning his soft movements. His body flowed like the calm ocean as he extended his arms before taking a delicate turn. His expression was as serene as the deep blue night sky, eyes holding a gentle gaze, lips curved into a soft smile. Like a bird in the wind, he flew across the stage in a leap. He danced like sunbeams on the waves of the sea to the calming melody of the song.

The audience remained in astonishment throughout the performance, he did not miss a single beat. The music seemed to be his perfect match like he was made to dance to this melody. His talent was incredible, each move was perfectly executed in an elegant and graceful manner.

The performance began to end, and the crowd began to roar once more. He finished in the same position that he had started in, to signify that he could dance forever, like a looped video. With heavy breaths, he walked off the stage, proud of the flawless performance he put on.

He would continue to perfect his dancing even if it was already perfect, and he wouldn't get tired of it because he was born to dance.


614 words

sorry for the name y'all I couldn't think of one 
ooga booga <33

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