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This scenario is a typical pet/master kink. OC is not an actual animal, no zoophilia, just acts like one or is treated like one.

This scenario can go quite a few ways, all depending how you'd like it to. you can have it be a consensual agreement just for pleasure for the two, or have crush kidnap oc, or have crush purchase oc from a 'shelter' or an auction. you can also make up your own idea of course.

Form for this scenario (please fill out):
How does Crush and OC get together?:
What does crush refer to OC as (puppy, bunny, kitten, chick, etc):
Is crush aggressive or gentle?:
What kind of punishments does crush use against oc?:
Where do you want to start? before or after?:
What (if any) other scenarios would you like to mix in?:
My Form:
How does Crush and OC get together?: urie purchases her from a 'shelter'.
What does crush refer to OC as (puppy, bunny, kitten, chick, etc): he refers to her as kitten, backup is bunny.
Is crush aggressive or gentle?: urie is very aggressive. due to his line of work, he's started to lose sympathy and gets aggressive or rough with her pretty often.
What kind of punishments does crush use against oc?: he makes her wear a shock collar, chocking her constantly, but also other things such as slaps on the back of the head, ignoring her, locking her in the basement, etc.
Where do you want to start? before or after?: i'm going to start my side right when he's looking around for which one to buy and finds her.
What (if any) other scenarios would you like to mix in?: the chubby 2 scenario, but as time goes on, not right away. he slowly starts to care less and less about work as he's so focused on her, he lets himself go, but ends up putting on weight because of it.
Extra?: nothing.

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