"Oh my god I gotta tell Ash and Cal!" Luke said excitedly.

"I'm gonna try." Michael said and Luke immediately looked over at him. When he pulled up to a red light and turned to him and scoffed.

"You think you're gonna win?" Luke asked while laughing bitterly. but Michael nodded. He knew every song by all time low. He had every CD of theirs at his home.


"I never understood the point of Picture day. Like okay we are getting pictures taken to be put in a yearbook? The only people who care are the jocks." Allana said and Michael agreed with her. They were both waiting in the line for it.

"I never liked it. My younger sister Macy loved picture day." Michael mumbled as he tried messing with his hair.

"Macy?" she asked

"Yeah." Michael said still having a few pictures. He showed her some pictures that he had on his iPhone.

"Thats nice. She's adorable." she said smiling widely.

"How do you want me to pose? Like this?" one of Lukes friends asked while placing his hands over his crotch. Michael and Allana made disgusted noises. Luke and the guys friends laughed while the older women just shook her head not amused.

"Derek is such a douche wow." Allana whispered.

"Next!" it was now Michaels turn and he just stood in front of the green screen not knowing what to do. The lady smiled warmly at him and told him to sit down.

"Excuse me Ms Photography person but you don't want to take a picture of him. He'll break the camera." Derek said causing the whole room to erupt in laughter.

Michael sighed sadly feeling his eyes water. He knew the picture wouldn't look good. The bags under his eyes were super dark and he still had the black eye from when dave hurt him. It was a little faded but it was still there. When he was about to just give up and run from the room the older women walked over to him.

"Don't listen to them honey. You won't break the camera you're gonna look really good. I promise okay?" she asked and he hesitantly nodded. So he wiped at his eyes furiously and looked up at the camera and fake smiled.

She smiled and then looked at the picture and then nodded giving him a thumbs up. She said next and then he left. He knew Allana would meet him at his locker. He stopped when he saw Luke and his friends just standing around his locker laughing.

He didn't know what else to do so he just walked to his locker. He needed to get his phone and books for his next class. But he knew he made the wrong decision once Luke looked at him and smirked. He whispered something to derek then he looked over.

"So did you end up breaking the camera clifford?" Derek snickered but Michael just ignored him trying to put in the combination for his locker.

"Aww the little baby is not gonna answer. He'll probably go cry in the bathroom again." some other guy said michael got angry and slammed open his locker causing a loud bang to echo threw the halls.

"Ohh we've pissed him off boys" Derek said and they all laughed. Michael looked quickly for the stupid History book but couldn't find it.

"You gonna answer us freak?" Michael just got frustrated and slammed the locker shut. He was gonna walk away until he was surrounded by them. One of them pushed him against the locker.

"How bout this, you say one thing and we will let you go." well then? He didn't want to speak showing that he would listen and cower down to them. So he just simply stayed quiet.

"Alright, remember you asked for it." the guy said and then brought his fist back and immediately collided it with Michaels cheek.It was the same side as where his black eye was. He was grabbed by the collar of his flannel and slammed into the locker

"Ay why don't we let Luke throw a hit." others agreed and luke suddenly had a quick expression of panic.

"Here Luke." everyone moved out of the way and Luke walked towards michael. It was confusing Michael cause he looked so hesitant. But then he grabbed Michael and threw him to the ground and swiftly kicked his stomach.

After they were all done hurting him they all laughed and walked away. Michael was on the verge of passing out. He was coughing and trying to crawl or stand up but he couldn't. So he just laid there staring up at the ceiling. Hoping that maybe he could just fall asleep and stay asleep forever.

"Oh my god Michael!" Allana called out rushing over and kneeling down next to him.

"Was it Luke? Did he do this to you?!" he weakly nodded and she looked around and started screaming for help. Then Ashton ran over and gasped.

"What ha-"

"Like you don't know! This is who your friends with! People who hurt others like this!" Allana snapped and stood up. Ashton looked at her confused but then realized

"Get him help! Im going to kick Lukes ass" she spat and then ran off down the direction. Ashton gently picked Michael up bridal style causing Michael to whimper and wince.

"Im sorry, I'm gonna take you to the nurses office okay?" Michael didn't answer he just threw his arms lazily around Ashtons neck and closed his eyes.

Just trying to breathe.




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