Part 2 ~ My first mission

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"Whaaaaaat???" I ask, very confused.

We made our way home to talk more about this 'mission'.

"Okay, so let me just get this straight. Um, basically, you guys have been lying to me my entire life." I said.

"Honey, we wanted to tell you we were spies, but we weren't allowed to." My mom stated.

"Well, we could have, but then we would've had to kill you." My Dad spoke.

"You guys are joking, right?" I laughed out.

"Yeah. Okay."

"I just don't get it. Why me? I'm just a regular kid."

:) Btw you're an only child in this story... if you're not in reality :)

"A regular kid?" My Dad spoke, sitting down next to me on the couch.


"We had you tested when you were three. You were conflicted a genius."

"You used to read us bedtime stories. Shakespeare."

"Wait, I'm a- I'm a genius? Why didn't you guys tell me that?"

"Because we didn't want you to get a big head- which, according to the tests you already have, because your brain is so big." My Dad said, pressing his hand to my head. I gave a 'are you kidding me' look.

"And let's face it, sweetie, you kick ass! Your first lesson at 'Karate Kiddies' when you were five, you crushed your sensei's windpipe." My Mom said so very proud.

"Wa- You guys said he choked on a raisin."

"Again... ugh!"

"Plus, you're perfect for this mission, because you go to Hamilton High. Our intel shows one of the students is an undercover teen spy working for The Other Side. Now, we need someone on the inside we can trust."

"Your mission, if you choose to accept it..." He laughs. "I love saying that."

"It gets old, baby. Is to identify that spy and recover the code for a new virus that jams cell towers rendering every mobile device useless, thus creating worldwide havoc."

"You mean it all goes down?" I stood up. "No texting, no selfies, no super-cute kitten pics... no checking in? If I go somewhere and I can't check-in, how will I even know that I was there?"

"Tell me about it." They both stand up. "But, sweetie, you can help stop the virus."

"So, what do you say, Y/n? Are you in?"

I decided to take the mission, I could use a little adventure. Right now, I was in a nearby mall looking for a dress. You may wonder why, well I heard that there was a dance this Friday night, and I needed a new dress.

I spent hours in that mall and found the perfect dress and a few accessories.... well, a few is an understatement.

Yeah, I got a little carried away but all of these can help with future missions. Anyways, I made my way home with tons of bags in my hands. I walked into my house to see my parents in the kitchen.

"Oh hey, hun. How was the mall?"

"It was great, Mom. Found the perfect dress for my mission... or technically a little more than that. Eheh-"

"Oh, that's fine sweetie."

"Yeah, your mother is right, you can use those on future missions."

"Hey! That's what I thought." I laughed. "I'm gonna take these upstairs."

I'm Dating a Spy  -  Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now