Part 1 ~ How I Became a Spy

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(Y/h/c) - Your hair color

Alastor and I watched our kids play in the garden, in fact the only garden in hell. I'm surprised to say that I've actually gotten this life. I'm happy with the love of my life, well after-life, and the beautiful kids we made. We have a daughter and a son.

Our daughter's name is Athena, she's 17. She has long, wavy hair. The top of her head is black and it's fade into a beautiful shade of red, just like her fathers. She has pale skin. Her sclera is black with her iris being red and her pupil being a bright gold. She likes to wear red and black mostly, but to Alastor's dismay she likes wearing clothes like I wear, which are mostly very revealing. I don't mind though cuz If she wants to barrow something of mine she can, and vise versa. She's so smart, creative, has such wisdom, great sense of war and strategy, she's got a mix of me and her father's smarts. And she's pretty damn powerful. She's got a mix of Alastor's powers and my own.

Our son's name is Atlas, he's 14. He has short, (y/h/c) hair with the tips being red. He also has pale skin. His eyes are the same as Alastor's. He mostly wears red pinstriped suits like his father, but when he doesn't where that he wears jeans and t - shirts. He's also smart, creative, great with hacking, he's great in hand to hand combat, also has a mix of my powers and Alastor's, but mostly mine.

He likes to be more like his father while our daughter likes to be more like me. Alastor is very protective over all of us cuz he knows how hell is, even though we are all capable of taking care of ourselves. It's honestly adorable when he gets in his overprotective mode.

Anyways, as Alastor and I watched our kids play in the garden, he put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"They're such beauties, aren't they?" I suddenly spoke.

"They definitely are, my dear. And so are you."

I giggled, "Oh, Alastor you're too kind. Besides, you also helped in making them." I smirked.

"Oh I did, didn't I?" He smirked.

He turned me towards him and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, if that was even possible.

*Record scratch*        *Pauses scene*

I come walking from the right side.

"So, you're probably wondering how I got here, well I'd be glad to tell you. It's quite the adventure. But first you need to know my backstory. Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners." I laughed.

"My name is Y/n. I've always been a normal person, well as normal as an A average student could be. My parents always told me I was smart, that I was reading stories to them before bed when I was younger. They told me I had the potential to be the president, but that wasn't the path I wanted to take nor what happened. Apparently, they had different plans for me....."

"I was 16 when it all happened."

"It all started one Wednesday afternoon, I was on my phone, walking home when an elder guy in a suit came up to me."

*Time started to rewind as the scene changed to when I was 16*

*The scene started playing again*

"Y/n?" I looked up from my phone and placed it in my back pocket. "My name is Wally. I'm with a secret government agency."

"It can't be that much of a secret if you go around telling people." I smiled with annoyance and started to walk off but this so-called Wally blocked my way.

"This is my ID. You need to come with me." He started to grab my left arm.

"Okay, uh, I think you have the wrong Y/n. Let me just show you my ID."

I pulled both my arms back causing him to fall forward a little. I then lifted my right leg, kneeing him in the gut. He fell slightly to the side, grabbing his stomach with a groan.

"Oh! My belly button!" I went into a fighting stance. "I think you just turned my outie into an innie!" I started to throw a punch but he threw me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Ugh, honestly how rude. Anyways, I started punching his back telling him to let me go. "Ow, ow, ow. Please stop that! Ow!"

He threw me into a weird van and I ended up somewhere I honestly never thought I would be.

I woke up tied to a chair in a dark room. The only light coming from the fan in the ceiling that acts as a skylight.

"Help! Let me go!" I sighed then thought about something for a second. "Okay, uh... the police just got here... and they said that they're going to wait outside and give you one last chance to let me go. And if you do... they won't be mad." I made a 'are they gonna buy that?' mixed with 'why did I say that?' face.

I sighed, "Oh, man, this is gonna hurt."

I jumped up on my feet and landed on the chair, breaking it. I wiggled out of the rope and stood up, looking at the door that was near the ceiling. I looked around and saw a metal pillar. I climbed up the pillar and grabbed onto the platform that the door was on. I grabbed onto the metal rod that was connecting the platform to the door.

"Okay, seriously, I can't just hang here all day."

I started laughing at my own joke and then focused on the task at hand. I swung my back down and lifted my right leg over the rod and swung myself over it. I lifted myself up and stood on the rod. I lept over the railing on the long platform and ran towards the exit. I turned the corner, grabbing both sides of the railing, and kicked open the door with my right leg. I ended up in a new room with about a dozen or so people in black suits and sunglasses in front of me. They all took their sunglasses and looked at me. I turned around and jiggled the door I had just come out of.

I got into a fighting stance, "Stand back! All right? I watch reality shows. I will scratch your eyes out and scar you emotionally."

The guy in front of me pulled out a timer and clicked it, "One minute, forty-two seconds. A new record!"

They all started clapping and I looked at them with confusion righten all over my face.

"Okay, I don't know what is wrong with you people. But if you think my parents are gonna pay some big ransom, you are sadly mistaken. Okay. They are not rich. They are just boring accountants."

A few guys stood to the side to make a path for someone. Or should I say, my parents?

"Now, I wouldn't say we're boring." My dad said.

"And accounting isn't our only job. Honey, we're also spies." My mom spoke next.

"And we need your help on a mission." My dad spoke.

*Record scratch*

"You're probably wondering.... who those people are. Well, they're my parents. The man on the left is my father, his name is Jason. The woman on the right is my mother, her name is Freya. Now that you know who my parents are, we can continue."

*Scene resumes*

"Whaaaaaat???" I asked, very confused.

I'm Dating a Spy  -  Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now