Last Words...

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Last Words…

            Here goes the story of the kid who loves life? Get real, I fucking hate it.

            Here goes the story of a kid we know…yeah, okay. You don’t have any clue about who I am.

            You’re perfect…I smell bullshit.

            I hear these things everyday, and I always respond the same. It’s always the same; you’re amazing, you’re hot, I wanna bang you.

            Get a life.

            My name is Xander Groves, yes I spell it with an X. Don’t judge me; I didn’t pick the fucking name. I’m an anti – social, weird, and extremely quiet kid. I hate rainbows, sunshine, and puppies. You have a problem with it? Build a bridge and get over it. Everyone surprisingly loves me…and I hate them. I have “friends” sure, who doesn’t? But, I hate them too. It’s a routine: pretend, pretend, pretend.

            This is my story, and I do not suggest reading it. But, whatever floats your fucking tidal wave.

            Here’s how it goes.


            “I feel like I’m fucking stoned, bro.” I smiled and Zander McManz, my “friend” spoke through the cloud of smoke he was in. Of course; leave it to him to say the obvious.

            I shook, the weed taking full effect. “Cool story, man. I don’t care. No more weed for you tonight.”

            “Aww, Xander! Come on!” He whined. I just shook my head pitifully, trying to hold in laughter. Man, this kid was fucked up.

            Zander got to his feet, trying to grab the joint from me. I pulled it out of his reach, and what happens? He falls off the stool. Fucking genius.

            “You’re not nice.” He whispered, stumbling to get off the ground. I chuckled mentally. He hated when I speelfed alone.

            “Neither is your face.”

            “Fuck off.”

            “Nah, I’m chill right now. I’m on a trip. What the fuck, did you lace this shit?” I asked as I begun to see unicorns ridden by leprechauns.

He smirked evilly, “Only the best for us.”

I bugged. “You fucking cunt! Don’t do that when I don’t know about it! Did you know it’s currently hailing, and I have to walk home in this shit? Man, sometimes I think you were born with half a brain.”

“Cool story bro.” I couldn’t control my anger and disbelief any longer. I lunged at him, attacking his face. He screamed like a little girl. Go figure. He screamed again and ruffled my long hair that I used to protect my eyes from the world. I quickly got up to fix it. I loved my hair, but call me feminine and I’ll kick the grass you sit on.

I sat back on the sofa, and ran my fingers through my bangs, strategically placing them in front of my eyes once more. Zander got up and sat on his stool again. I secretly hoped he’d fall again when he uttered the words I hated most, “Little Xander’s going to fix her hair again? How cute.”

            I couldn’t help the scowl that graced my face. Usually, I hid my emotions, but this fucker had it coming. “Say it again and you won’t see the daybreak come tomorrow, bitch.”

            “Dude, smoke a bowl. Chillax; it ain’t like I brang up your mother.” At this, he earned a slap across the face. I hated the mention of my parents. Fuck that; take drugs, live life, and fuck the parental guidance.

            Not that I had any. My parents were dead.

            “Fuck me running! Why did you do that?” He asked as I dropped his precious weed he was rolling onto the floor.

            I grinned, “Because you brought her up. Don’t ever mention them, got it faggot face?”

            “Yeah, sure.” Zander got up and went over to his mini fridge. Why there was a mini fridge in his basement, heaven knows. He produced a Mountain Dew, and proceeded to chug it in front of me. Ass crack and a half.

            “You should give me one of those.” My mouth was practically watering as I said this.

            He grinned, taking his lips away from the half empty can for just a moment to reply. “Last one. Sorry.” I rolled my eyes. He wasn’t sorry. He knew how addicted I was to that particular type of soda.

            “Whatever.” I slumped, crossing my arms. He just shrugged. Face palm one. “Dude, at least give me a sip.”

            “No, fuck off. You spilled my weed; I drink your soda. End of it.”

            I felt my face redden with anger. So I was easily angered, so what? Get over it. “You better give me one if you know what’s good for you.”

            “Make me.” He challenged. That did it, I unveiled my hidden eyes, which always got me what I wanted. They changed colors constantly, and because of that, I had no fucking clue what color they were. But they made Zander shudder.

            “Now.” I spoke slowly, not breaking my concentration, “I asked for a sip. Give it to me.” He did, completely mesmerized by them. I smiled, hid my eyes, and guzzled it. He shook his head out, letting it all come back to him.

            “Dude, are you drinking my soda?” He asked, eyes bulging out of his skull.

            I nodded, and finished it off. “You gave it to me. Duh duh duh.”

            “Xander, sometimes…” His voice trailed off, as if pondering what to say next. Then, “I just feel like punching you in your fucking skull.”

            “Do it and you’ll die.”

            He grumbled an obscenity I couldn’t understand, before sitting down and rolling some more weed. Wow, fuckface was a major stoner. Pot head.

            Yeah, okay. So I was a little bitchy. Sue me.


New story I'm working on with my best friend Megan MurdeRcyde. Don't judge; we are incorperating both of our writing styles in this and I hope you like it.

Note: I'm not posting Tremble today. I will tomorrow, but I'm busy and shit. Love you all. XXxx


Song of Chapter: "High Timez" -BrokeNCYDE

Picture of Xander a.k.a Sam Koster(:

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