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Jimin stands on the porch of his new house, smiling to himself as he sips his beer, hearing his housewarming party continuing without him as he takes in the cool night air.

Moving to this town is something that happened simultaneously. Before his sudden decision to move to a small town in the middle of nowhere, he found solace in the big city he once resided in. He was lulled to sleep by the sounds of never-ending traffic, used to the long lines at the coffee shops and always being surrounded by swarms of people on their daily commutes.

Over time, however, things changed. He no longer enjoyed the sounds of the car horns honking incessantly. He began to grow annoyed at the long lines to get his black coffee every morning and he grew claustrophobic walking along the crowded streets. He tried to drive his car to and from places instead, but grew fed up with the traffic and gave that idea up as quickly as he started it.

One day, he just couldn't take it anymore and made a decision: he broke the lease of his apartment and found a small one bedroom house for sale in a rural town about an hour away from the city.

He offered the owners more than they asked for after having a tour and loving not only the simplicity of the house, but also how there was only one other house in the vicinity. He knew it was fate when he saw that the town needed a local veterinarian, so he didn't hesitate to buy the house as soon as everything seemed to fall into place for him.

He can live in the peace and quiet. He can wake up in his cozy little house that is all his and make his own black coffee, sitting on his front porch in his rocking chair and just listening to the silence around him.

He's not sure what changed in him to make such a drastic difference in his life. He remembers how the big city life once brought him joy and made him feel alive through the everyday rushes.

Eventually though, he began to feel suffocated and lost, so he dropped everything to start a new life.

His friends didn't hesitate to come and visit him to throw a party for him. While they're still a bit confused on why Jimin would quit his well-paying job at a larger veterinarian office to move to a tiny town with just a fraction of the resources he's used to having around him, they have always supported their friend and have never let him feel like this choice is a mistake.

Jimin breathes deeply, enjoying the sweet air around him, loving how the air smells clean and pure as opposed to the heavy, smog-ridden air of the city.

He takes another sip of his beer, his eyes wandering to the only other house on this street. It's a bit bigger than his, daintily decorated with a front garden and light blue shutters around the windows. He can tell this house has been well-loved and taken care of, and he relishes in the idea that he will get to decorate his house however he likes instead of being stuck in an apartment building where his creativity felt muted.

Jimin straightens when he sees a young woman walk out of the side door of the house across the street, and he watches as she walks over to her large trash can situated next to the door. She tries to pull it to the end of her driveway, struggling under its weight.

She groans in annoyance as she tries to continue to pull the heavy object. The trash can keeps getting caught on the loose gravel of the driveway. As soon as he sets his beer down and takes a step towards her so he can go help, she yells out in annoyance and pushes the trash can over, sending the trash bags inside spilling onto her driveway. She kicks the trash can for good measure before stomping back inside her house, slamming her door shut and leaving the mess behind.

Jimin watches the door that the woman had just slammed, wondering if she was coming back to clean up the mess she left.

He bites his lip, confused with her behavior while also realizing she must have gotten too frustrated with pulling the trash can and lost her cool.

He makes a decision, nodding to himself as he walks down his front steps. After looking both ways, he jogs across the road to the woman's driveway. He picks up the bags of trash, thankful that none of them had broken open, and he puts them all back into the trash can before moving it to the end of her driveway.

No movement can be seen from her windows, so he just shrugs and goes back to his party, hoping that will make her a bit less stressed from whatever is going on with her.

"Where did you go?" Jimin's friend, Yoongi, asks as he steps back inside his living room.

"Just getting some fresh air," Jimin says, smiling as he finishes his beer. "It's a nice luxury to have."

"A nice luxury to have is a Starbucks, which this town has none of," Yoongi says, shaking his head. "It's a tragedy."

"I'm fully capable of making my own coffee," Jimin says, a light-hearted laugh rumbling in his chest. "I like it here. It's peaceful and quiet."

"It is a nice place, I'll admit that," Yoongi says, taking a sip of his water. "I'm not used to the quiet though. It's kind of creeping me out."

Jimin laughs. "You should probably get the guys home before they get too drunk and tear up my new house."

"Being the designated driver is boring," Yoongi sighs. "I'll go wrangle them up."

Jimin nods, turning to his trashed living room. He sighs, shaking his head as he picks up the numerous empty beer bottles. Thankfully, that's the only mess his friends left behind, so it is a quick clean up job.

Yoongi comes back into the house, slightly out of breath as he places his hands on his hips. "Jin and Namjoon thought it would be funny to run from me."

"Namjoon gets so immature when he's drunk," Jimin laughs, running his hand through his hair.
"And Jin is immature all the time," Yoongi adds, causing them both to laugh this time.

"Goodnight, Jimin. Congratulations on this cute little house in the middle of nowhere, where you're bound to be kidnapped and chopped into a billion little pieces and then fed to the dogs at the vet office you're working at now," Yoongi says, winking at Jimin and shutting the front door behind him as he leaves.

"I have a feeling Yoongi isn't the biggest fan of this," Jimin mumbles to himself, rolling his eyes as he goes outside to throw away the trash bag full of empty beer bottles.

The girl was trying to put her trash can out, so it must be getting picked up in the morning. He moves all of the bubble wrap and empty boxes from his house to the end of his own driveway.

After a few trips back and forth, he stands at the end of his driveway, looking accomplished and happy that he could get this trash out of his way.

He glances up at the neighbor's house and sees the curtains of the living room pulled open, though there is no light coming from the room. A shadow moves past the open window, and he tilts his head to the side, wondering what the girl could be doing in a dark room in the middle of the night.

Jimin's curiosity gets the best of him, and he moves a little closer. Because of the low light, he can only just barely see her silhouette moving across the room, spinning and twirling slowly.

"She's dancing," Jimin says to himself, raising an eyebrow as he sees her pass by the window every now and then as she continues to dance by herself in the dark room.

He realizes that he's being a creep, so he moves back into his house, scratching his head at his new neighbor's strange behavior.

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