The abyss in me (Part 5)

Start from the beginning

Only when my shaking form relaxed he cupped my face between his huge hands and raised my head making me look at him.

"Valerie, I believe you. I know it wasn't your fault." he finally talked in a trembling voice but even though his words calmed the storm in my brain, his gaze seemed so remorseful and pained.

"Y-you don't blame me then?" I asked again trying to understand what was going on inside his mind but he just faked a smile and caressed my face.

"I don't blame you..." I received another similar vibe from this answer like he kept secrets for himself only that I wasn't allowed to know. Innermost thoughts that built an invisible barrier between us that prevented me from reaching his own heart. Was this his own way to protect me from things he thought I wouldn't understand or I didn't know because of my young age or something else?

I never managed to answer those question as this was the last time I saw my father's face.

After our small talk he stood up from his seat feeling no appetite at all and when he was about to cross the door of the dinning haul he turned his face to look at me for the last time.

"Valerie, do whatever is needed to enjoy your life without regrets. It seems no one can change their fate so at least live a good and happy life, alright?"

I nodded then my head in agreement without really understanding the meaning of my father's words but kept them in mind anyway.

Now I know he must referred to the prophecy and I wonder if he ever blamed his own self for all the tragedies we found in our lives. I wonder if he thought that nothing of these would have happened if he never stepped outside of Solkey Island and followed the strict rules. Probably he would never met my mother and so never bring in this world an ungifted child who was destined to die for this country.

The next day he disappeared without sparing even a word to me, early in the morning when I was still fast asleep. I heard he left for another one of his big travels probably to forget his grief and ease his mind.

Some weeks later a letter from Marine's headquarters reached the royal palace with the information of the King's death. It seemed like his ship got destroyed in a huge storm at the middle of the sea and no one survived from this tragic incident.

The worst day of my life in Solkey Island started with those latest news as my aunt became the temporary royal heir as according to the law I couldn't sit on the throne yet until I reach my 12 years of age at least. That meant my aunt had other 6 whole years to do whatever she pleased without anyone on her way to stop her.

And that was exactly what she did...


"Fufufu, Doffy I said I will make you a king and I really kept my promise." that raven haired witch talked without knowing I was watching her through the slightly opened door.

"Fufu, Aldonza I am impressed! Honestly you surpassed my expectations this time!" the blonde man answered caressing my aunt's cheek with fake affection.

"Then, you shall play your part my King and acknowledge your own son and start living at the palace."

"Not yet, this is not the right time. I must admit your brother's death came effortless and luck might be with our side but let's not be hasty. Careful moves lead to better results."

"You are right as always my love! Fufufu, I took that rare poison for the case from the black market as you suggested the other day but I guess I was lucky enough not to dirty my hands this time!", she admitted and I had to cover my mouth from making any noises because of the shock.

"Keep it close to you and use it at the right time for that brat! King Leonard is not alive any more so she is of no use for us too."

"Fufufu! You are so smart!"

"I know love, I know... Listen to me and we are going to have a good relationship!"

After hearing this conversation a great urge to vomit grew in my stomach and I rushed to escape from their claws only to realize that I was literally trapped in a beautiful golden cage like those exotic birds my father kept in his study room.

That day I run and run into the depths of the unknown forest outside of the palace's borders only to get lost. A guard found me very late at night and when I arrived back at the palace my aunt decided to lock me inside the Octave Tower, a high 8 floors rocky tower at the west side of the palace, in order to keep an eye on me in case I planned to escape again and also to 'protect my wellbeing' as she reasoned her actions to the servants.

Aldonza also found the chance to color responsible my own servants for being unable to look after me and so butler Igor, Sophia, Aurora and her mother and other 10 people lost their job and got replaced.

That's how I was left alone to live imprisoned in a tower for one whole year.

I was waking up every day gazing at the view of the endless sea right in front of my eyes, outside of the small opening that was supposed to work as a window and dreamed of traveling outside of Solkey's borders and continue my father's dream.

I was watching the birds that flew freely in the sky without any care in the world and I admit I was feeling jealous for them because they had something I would never have. And that was freedom.

I was waiting for a miracle to happen watching my days pass with vain while waiting my own death on such a young age. I had given up my will to live after those tragedies and closure didn't really helped my developing depression.

The day of my salvation though arrived when I saw the most hated person in my life enter the room I was kept in while holding a small bottle with a mysterious liquid inside.

"Do me the favor and save me from getting my hands dirty as your good dad did one year ago. This is oleander extract, I can't say your death will be painless but at least it will be quick.", she explained in a cold tone and gave me the small bottle.

"W-Why are you doing this to me..."

"Fufufu, you are a burden on my way to success. On his way to success... and I came from too far to stop now."


"Yeah and this is not only my opinion. Did you really think it would be easy to become Solkey's Queen? An ungifted Queen in Solkey? Let's say horses are green and it will be more realistic. No one wants you alive. I am even making you a favor and free you from a life of despair and pain."

She was about to walk off when she looked at me for the last time and gave me a nod.

"I am leaving, I am not even that cold hearted to see a child dying in front of my eyes... However, you know what to do 'princess'!"

I was left alone for once again inside the dusty and empty room with the only source of light, the moon's white rays that entered from the small opening, shined my face's features while I was looking at the small bottle in my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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