Chapter 14- Newt's POV

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Sorry this chapter is so long. I got carried away as I haven't updated this in such a long time!

Just as I was talking to Y/N, the familiar siren screeched, echoing across the walls of the Glade. I looked at Y/N, her eyes squinted, her head cocked in an inquiring manner.

"That's the signal for a new Greenie, remember?"I shook my head at her forgetfulness. She nodded slowly, and then a gleam of excitement entered her eyes. We all ran over to see who was in the Box, quickly ascending from its dark hole. Whoever it was, they were sure making a lot of noise alright.

"God, my shucking ears!" Gally groaned ostentatiously, covering his ears to prove the point. I laughed cheerfully, and watched as Gally jumped in the Box to help pull the Greenie out.

"Day one Greenie. Rise and shine." Gally said ominously. He always did enjoy scaring the Greenies. A few others jumped in to help haul the Greenie out, and I could see the apparent fear in his eyes. His hair matted with sweat, a dazed expression on his face. He didn't act too different to how the other Greenies were at first, but suddenly he started sprinting at full speed across the Glade.

"We got a runner!" Zart cried gleefully. I was worried he was going to make a break for freedom like Y/N, but after about five seconds, he fell over with a significant thud on the grass. The crowd of Gladers, including me, burst out into a fit of laughter at his sudden and tremendous fall. Y/N in particular was roaring with laughter, and spluttering something along the lines of:

"At least I didn't face plant the ground when I tried to break for freedom!" I laughed along with them, but really I felt a bit sorry for the dumb shank. First impressions are hard to shake, and he sure made a mess of his. The Greenie was still kicking up a fuss, so two Gladers grabbed him and threw him into the Pit to calm down.

A short while later, Alby ambled over to the Greenie and they had some conversation, probably the same old one Alby had with every Greenie. Same questions of "where am I?", "who are you?" And so on. Eventually the two took a stroll around the Glade, and Alby introduced me.

"Greenie, this is Newt. He takes care of things when I'm not around." Alby spoke to the Greenie.

"Good thing you're always around then!" I attempted to break some of the ice between me and the Greenie, and he attempted a weak laugh. We shook hands, and the first thing I noticed about him were his eyes. They had some sort of determination in them, almost as if he knew something we didn't. But that look passed, and he soon bore the look of every shank when they first came up- confusion and fear. I began to walk away after this brief encounter, and I knew something was different about him, similar to how I felt when I first met Y/N.

"These Greenies just keep getting stranger and stranger." I muttered to myself absentmindedly. I kept on walking, until I heard yelling and commotion coming from the walls of the Maze. I sprinted over, and found the Greenie on the ground, freaking out. Gally was trying his best to calm him, but he wasn't particularly effective. Me and a few others slowly approached him, and I tried my best to calm him down with a

"Just calm down.", but I was just as effective as Gally was. The Greenie was darting around nervously, panic evident in his eyes. I think he said something along the lines of:

"Why can't we go out there?!" I opened my mouth to explain it to him but, as if the bloody creators were listening, the walls began to close. The Greenie practically jumped 2 feet in the shucking air, and we all watched as the walls closed for the night. I looked back over to him once the doors were closed, and he looked calmer now.

"Next time, I'll let you run in there." Gally spat, shaking his head at the Greenie. With the situation clearly over, I began to walk over to Frypan, to see if there was anything I could help with.

Soon, night had broken, and the bonfire for the new Greenie had began. We all raised our glasses brimming with Gally's secret recipe (I still have no idea what it's made of) as a toast to the new Greenie, who was still half out of his mind with confusion. Intrigued by him, me and Y/N took him off to the side and sat down behind an old log. He was looking a little down, so I offered him one of Gally's drinks.
"Here, that'll put hair on your chest." I grinned at him, and Y/N chuckled. He took one long sip (big mistake), and spat it straight out. Me and Y/N were in a fit of laughter as the Greenie spluttered;

"God, what is that?!"

"I don't even know. It's Gally's recipe." I explained, laughing still. Then the Greenie asked, clearly wanting to get straight down to business:

"So what's out there? Why aren't we allowed out there after the walls close?" He stared at the two of us, clearly eager for answers.

"Well, seeing as our former Greenie over here had a run in recently with the Maze, I'll let her explain." I nodded at her, and she smiled knowingly.

"So, the Maze is off limits, no matter what. It's because.."

"Then why are they allowed out there?" The Greenie said, nodding over at Minho and the rest of the Runners.

"They're Runners. Every day, they go out there and try and find a way out of the Maze. We think some people put us here and want us to find the way out. I'm a Runner too." She explained carefully to the Greenie.

"Well what happens if you get stuck in the Maze after the walls close?" He asked, an edge of fear in his words.

"There are creatures out there. We call them Grievers. Nasty things they are, with sharp pincers that sting you if they get the chance. You see, I'm a Runner too. Except I'm being kept here for a while because I had a nasty run in with a Griever." She shuddered at the memory. I looked the Greenie straight in the eyes, and said:

"Nobody survives a night in the Maze." I had to get the point across, and I think I may have got into the shank's head a little. Realising I probably shouldn't be scaring him so much on his first night, I began to show him around and point out the Gladers.

"Those are the Builders. They're handy with their hands but haven't got a lot going on upstairs." Y/N laughed heartily at that.

"And that's Winston, the Keeper of the Slicers. Over there is Minho, Keeper of the Runners." Minho was sitting alone, and I saw Y/N waving at him cheerily, and he smiled at the very sight of her. Just as I was about to explain some more, Y/N got pulled into the fight ring with Gally.

"What do ya say, Y/N? Want to fight?" Gally smirked at her, and Y/N replied with:

"I wouldn't dream of missing the opportunity." The two began to fight then, and it came close, but Y/N managed to finish Gally off with a low sweep to trip him up, followed by a shove when he stood up, which pushed him out of the ring. Everyone cheered, and then Y/N asked the Greenie:

"What about you Greenie? Wanna try?" She smiled at him, and the Greenie shrugged and stepped in the ring. Y/N lunged at him and very nearly shoved him out, but he came back with his very own low sweep, which tripped her up like what she did to Gally. She grimaced, stood up, and roughly shoved the Greenie over. He fell down and didn't come back up for a while, and I very nearly thought he had passed out. But then, he stood up, and muttered:

"Thomas." Then, realising what this really meant, he yelled:

"I remember my name! It's Thomas!" Everyone posed for a second, until Alby yelled:

"Thomas!" Everyone started cheering then at the Greenie's discovery, and we all raised a toast to the former Greenie, now named Thomas. Then I realised that things had played out exactly the same way with Y/N- she had tried to run into the Maze, so had he. She discovered her name in the fighting ring, so had he.

"Weird." I muttered to myself. Things just kept getting stranger and stranger.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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