Chapter 10- Y/N's POV

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Everything happened so quickly; I had only been in the Glade a few shucking days and I already made out with the keeper of the Runners. It was almost comical, really- still, I couldn't deny my feelings for Minho. He was attractive, cocky, sassy and a major flirt. I curse myself for falling for him so quickly.

Smiling at Minho, I left the hut quickly; I was still quite shocked by the sudden change in events. Without eating dinner first, I returned to my hut- I had my own now due to the fact I was the only girl in the Glade. I needed time alone to go through everything in my head. I felt a calling to be a Runner: I knew I was cut out for more than gardening or dressing wounds. It was odd, really: I felt a strange sort of internal calling towards the Maze. It was like I had to be a Runner, or else I would feel empty and incomplete.

The next day came in the blink of the eye; it was action time. Today would be the day that I would go into the Maze and show Newt and Minho who's boss. Being the only girl in the Glade, I would not let myself be targeted with sexism- whether positive or negative. I styled my hair so it wasn't in my face whilst I ran the Maze, trying to make myself at least a little presentable. After grabbing some breakfast, I arrived outside the Map Room ten minutes earlier than Minho and I arranged to meet. Surprisingly, Minho was already there: for such a cocky smartass, I couldn't deny that he was serious about his duty as Keeper of the Runners.

"Okay Greenie, I had to do a lot of sweet-talking to convince Newt this was okay- you better not let me down." he said, poking my shoulder.

"Believe me, I more capable than any of you himbos" I replied smartly, playfully punching his arm in response. "Let's get going, Princess".

Okay, I'm not going to lie- running the Maze was bloody tiring. However, I was certainly up to the task and almost kept up with Minho. "You know, for your first time you're not doing too bad Y/N." Minho said kindly. "I told you I was up to the job." I said cockily, though I squeezed his hand all the same. We had just stopped for lunch after running for a good few hours; needless to say I was pretty tired. Being in the Maze was an intriguing experience: I had waited so long to be a Runner- now that I finally had the opportunity to prove myself I could scarcely believe it was happening.

"You forgot to pack half of your lunch, you dumb shank." Minho said, laughing at me. I sighed; at a time like this, I really needed a good meal. "Come on now, you don't need to give me those puppy eyes. I'll share mine with you." he said, rolling his eyes at me playfully. Before I could give my thanks, however he stopped me. "Wait! There's a catch: you have to kiss me." It was the most predictable thing Minho could've said, as a majorly annoying, hormonal teenage boy such as himself. I glared at him: "you're so predictable." I said. After a moment of hesitation, I relented and gently brushed my lips against his. However, before I could break the kiss he cupped my face, deepening it. It felt like a million fireworks were exploding inside of me (predictable, I know, but accurate all the same).

"Come on now." I said, laughing fondly "we better stop messing around in a Maze that can kill us."

"Fine. But I'll have to continue what we had going on there later- when we get back to the Glade." he said, winking at me. I blushed (much to my embarrassment). "It's a date." I replied. We began to pack up our stuff: everything seemed calm enough. I'll admit- I was confused. Newt and Minho had spent so long warding me off becoming a Runner and protecting me from the Maze- and yet this is it? I couldn't decide if I was relieved or underwhelmed, to be honest.

Being lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't realised Minho had gotten up quickly and was now yelling. "Y/N! What are you shucking doing, standing there? Run, you idiot!". Like I had tempted fate, I caught sight of an immense, blubbery, mechanical monster approaching us from a few metres away. Minho grabbed my hand and I began to run faster than I ever could remember running before.

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