Chapter 6- Minho's POV

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It had been a long day in the maze... running... running and you guessed it, more running. However, today was different because I had something to look forward to when I got back. Y/N. I've only known the shank a day or two and I've never been happier. She's the only thing that's been on my mind recently. I knew I couldn't show any emotions though because I'm supposed to be the tough one.

I had made it back to be greeted by the one and only girl.

"Hey shuckface, how was builders trial?" I asked, laughing as she death stared me.

"Oi who are you calling a shuckface, shuckface." she said in defence.
"Um... let's just say... I um... angered Gally because I'm a failer." She said, putting her head down. Something was eating her up.

"Hey, what's wrong Princess?"

"Hey you can talk to me you know." She just nodded then skipped.

"Come on, Fry's making stew" She said skipping ahead if me. I watched with the biggest smile on my face as I realised how beautiful she really was.

We sat and ate, once again we spent most of it eating trying to keep our food down from laughing too much. If I know anything about Y/N, the thought of her Builder trials failing was really upsetting her. So me and Newt tried to comfort her as best as we could.

"Hey love," Newt said.

"It's Trackhoe's trial tomorrow, so you will be working with me." He continued with a smile. I wondered if she would be allowed to do runner trails. I thought she would be an amazing runner.

"Oh yay, can't wait." She rolled her eyes, sarcastically joking. Me and Y/N laughed as Newt just looked confused as to what joke he missed.

"Hey, being a Trackhoe isn't that bad. Well, I'm not really one. Seeing as I'm second in command, I just help out where I can really. But gardening beats all the other shucking jobs." Newt shrugged his shoulders.

"Something tells me I'm not cut out to be planting and weeding all day long. I feel destined for bigger things. I just know it. Not to blow my own horn or anything." Y/N explained. I caught on quickly. I knew she wanted to be a Runner. The thought thrilled me at first. Running all day with that good looking shank? Sign me up. She had potential, anyhow. But part of me also knew how dangerous it was. The work was tough in itself, over six miles per day. Nobody wants to be a Runner. I didn't even know if that's what she meant anyway. Maybe she wanted to be a Slicer or something. I snorted at my own idea. Something told me that she didn't seem the type to kill a goat or a pig. Even though I had only knew her for a short amount of time, I had an inkling that she was the type to let the goats run free because she felt sorry for them. Ha! I'm sure Winston would've loved that.

"Oh yeah? Destined for bigger things, Princess? What's that supposed to mean, then?" I arched an eyebrow at her.

"Oh, I don't know yet. I just feel like this body isn't cut out for planting tomatoes. I mean, have you seen the muscles on me?" I sniggered and Newt just widened his eyes at her.

"Yeah, you can practically see them from here." Newt laughed.

"You want to see muscles? Look no further." I flexed my gorgeous arms at the two of them.

"Ha! I'd say we are on par. Don't you agree, Newt?" She smiled imploringly at him.

"Definitely. Looks like you've got competition, Minho." Newt chuckled.

"You can take me on anytime, Princess." I winked at her, and she rolled her eyes then laughed.

Later that night, when we were all sitting around the bonfire, Y/N approached me, Gally's drink in hand.

"Have you taken a liking to Gally's secret recipe after all?" I asked her, my voice laced with its usual edge of sarcasm.

"I'm adjusting. Still tastes like death to me, though." She shivered as I laughed at her visceral reaction.

"Care to sit with me, Princess?" I gestured the seat next to me.

"But of course." She took a seat next to me, and I once again took in her beauty. Damn, she really was hot. Almost as attractive as me, but I still had the edge. Obviously.

"Look, Minho. I need a word." She turned to face me, her expression suddenly turned serious.

"What's up?" I copied her and turned serious as well.

"I'm aware I've only been here a couple of days or so. Obviously I can't remember my life or what I was like before the Maze but... it's like something is on the edge of my mind. I know that I'm not cut out to just stay here in the Glade farming or whatever. I need to get out. I just know it." Her face was intense. In all my three years I can remember living, I've never seen such determination and resolution on a face before.

"So what you're saying is... you want to be a Runner?" I stared at her, utterly complexed.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying. You're the Keeper of the Runners. Is there any chance you can train me? Give me a trial, at least?" She frowned when she saw my face.

"Y/N, there's no way Newt and Alby will let you go into the Maze. They see you as needing protection. From some Gladers, from Grievers... I don't know whether it's because of your gender or just because they've taken a liking to you. All I know is that they probably won't change their mind on this one. If I'm honest, I would like to see your shuck face when running. But another part of me knows how dangerous it is, and I think you don't understand that."

"I get it, believe me I do. I don't know what those shuck grievers are like, and I don't care to, either. I can run. I know I can do it. Minho, please. Put in a good word for me to Alby, will ya?" She pleaded with me, and I knew I couldn't let her down.

"Fine. On one condition. If by some miracle you do become a Runner, you run with me. I'm not letting you go out there by yourself."

"Fine by me. Thanks, Minho. If you need a favour, you know where to find me." She squeezed my hand.

"I'll do that. I'm gonna head to bed now. See ya tomorrow." I began to walk away, when I remembered something. I turned back hastily.

"Y/N, one more thing."

"Hm?" She tilted her head up at me.

"I would keep this from Newt for a while. Something tells me he won't take it too well." I gave her a knowing look.

"Yeah, I get you. I'll keep it on the low down."

"I knew I could rely on you, Princess."

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