Chapter 13- Y/N's POV

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For all I may have bargained to be a Runner, I was starting to question wanting to continue. But can you blame me? I came so close to death I could almost feel it's cold, icy fingers creeping up on me like winter. That day made me realise I didn't want to die. I didn't want to leave Minho.

Minho... look. I don't want to sound cringey or anything but he was all I could think about. I guess when a girl experiences her first love and everything it's hard not to become obsessed. Whenever I feel the painful fear from the memory of the Griever attack, I think of Minho: a ray of light through all of that darkness.

Okay, I'm being very soppy now. Anyways, it's been a few weeks since the Griever attack. Of course, Newt majorly freaked out like some sort of demented Glader mum. I appreciate how much he looks out for me obviously- but I don't want to be mothered. I want to get out there and make something of myself- even after I saw the true reality of the Maze. Still, he's insisting I stay with him as a Track-Hoe for a bit.

"See ya later, Princess." Minho said, winking at me. 

"Please be safe, Minho. I can't lose you." I said firmly, staring at him directly into the eyes. 

"Oh just because you love me so much." He grinned, but crossed his heart all the same. I pulled him in and gently kissed him, laughing as he went bright red. 

"Bye Minho!" Chuck yelled- giving a happy wave. After saying his goodbyes, Minho sprinted off into the Maze.

"Shucking hell Y/N, you and Minho really have no understanding of 'get a room'". Newt laughed wickedly, causing me- just like I had mocked Minho for- to go bright red. "Who's laughing now, Greenie." Newt laughed even harder, so I punched him in the arm to get him to shut up. 

"Enough messing around, let's get to work." I said resentfully, Newt still laughing.

"Of all jobs you have to give me for a few weeks, did it really have to be a Track-Hoe?" I implored.

 "Look, Greenie, it ain't exactly a five star job here in the Glade, but I'm keepin' my eye on you after that little showdown in the Maze." Newt said, a serious look on his face. 

"Why do you think you have some sort of responsibility over me Newt?" I said, growing frustrated with him. Still, he kept cool- ever the mediator of the Glade. 

"Because you're a good friend, Y/N. And I know this place like the back of my hand." Newt smiled at me. I pulled him into a hug. Although he can become very overbearing sometimes, Newt only did his best to stand by me and the rest of the Gladers.

A few hours later, I was exhausted and very, very dirty. Still, Newt didn't relent under Zart's supervision. "Now, my little Greenie, go pull some weeds over there- gotta keep this place in shape."

"My Greenie?" I ask, laughing.

"Oh no, no, don't get the wrong idea, Greenie. You're only a friend to me." He replies, still keeping cool. 

As if the word 'Greenie' had conjured the next one to appear, the alarm went off to signal the box was coming up. "A new Greenie!" I heard a few people yell, leading to Newt and I to break into a run towards the box. 

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