Final Chapter: Goodbye

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As Hades went on top of me, his actions as well as his kisses became more sensual. I couldn't help myself but to grasp the sheets of his bed, as I responded with him, with the same intensity and hunger. I can't stop it. I've been longing to do this with him again.

The hot steam coming from his own body, the beads of sweats that slowly forms in his hairy chest as my hand slowly travelled on it... I missed this. I missed being intimate with him. I miss everything about him. His soft hands that were caressing, and tracing the curves of my waist, his moist lips, and his hairy legs that caging me inside of him.

"Uhm..." I moved my head sideways to give him access on my neck. I hissed in pain, when he etched his mark. I can almost feel the sharpness of his teeth as he bits me. It stings... but the pleasure he's giving me is taking the sting away.

"Hades..." I moaned when his hand travelled on my collar bone, and planted another mark on it. I felt his hand reaching for the hem of my dress, and started making its way to my thighs... up to my entrance.

That's when I pulled away. I acted like I've been back to my sense. Hades looked at me with confusion, but his position stays still, along with his hands on my bare thighs.

"Don't say you don't like this, Athena. You responded on my kisses... I know your body."

I wasn't able to move, nor say anything when he locked his lips on mine again. I waved my hands but he stopped me, and pinned it on top of my head, and blocked my palms to manifest any magic within it. This time, he became more aggressive, and no matter how hard I tried to stop him, he won't budge anymore.

This shouldn't happen.

This is wrong.

"No...Hades..." but he still didn't listen. I put all the courage, before heaving a breath.

I reached for his mind.


He stilled upon hearing my thoughts. That's when he finally stopped, and loosened up. He looked at my face, but I just closed my eyes so I won't see his reaction. I can't bear to see his worry. His pain. His guilt. Those emotions that I hate to see in him.

I tried to get away from his grasps on my wrists above my head. He let me. He moved aside, giving me enough space to move too. I buried my face on his pillow. I inhaled his scent, and in an instant, I found comfort in it as if he's the one I'm burying my face with.

I know that Epiales and Asclepius already did something regarding of what happened to me in Hephaestus' hands. What Hades did didn't trigger... but I have to use it. I have to act like I was in trauma because of what Hephaestus did just so I can stop Hades before he can...we can do anything that shouldn't be done in the first place.

None of us talked. I felt Hades movements. He lied down beside me and pulled me closer to him. Wala siyang sinabi pero ang malalim na paghinga niya lang ang tanging naririnig ko. I wasn't able to stop myself when I move and faced him. I buried my face on his neck this time, inhaling his natural scent that I've long for since then.

"I'm sorry..." my voice cracked as soon as I said it.

"It's okay, Athena..." he soothed me right away, like he's just waiting for me to speak first, estimating my mood, and me myself. Ipinunan niya ang ulo ko sa braso niya. He pulled the sheets until it covers us both.

He hugged me tighter when he felt the shakings of my shoulders because of my uncontrollable cries. He was just caressing my back without saying anything just to calm me down. I hugged him too, wishing that the sorry he forgave me was just because we weren't able to continue our intimate session because of what happened to me in Hephaestus' place... I wish that was just it.

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