"Barry, whatever happens, it will never change the way that I feel about you," Iris told Barry.

"Son... You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Henry sighed.

"Being The Flash... That's the best version of me.
If I don't have my speed, I'll never be that person anymore.
I have to do this." Barry said to Joe.

"Okay," Joe whispered.

"You ready, Allen?" Harry asked

"All right, then.
Here we go.

"Particles are becoming unstable.
Ramon, get ready!
I'm going to release the chemicals into his system." Harry yelled.

"Why are you doing this?" Iris asked.

"The night Barry was struck by lightning, he was doing fingerprint analysis. Those chemicals got in his system then, and they are going in now." I explained.

"So you're injecting them into him?" Iris asked.

"We have to recreate everything that happened to Barry that night," Harry answered.

'I'm okay, Iris!" Barry yelled.

"Hold on, Barry," Joe yelled

"God!" Barry yelled in pain.

"He's going hydrostatic," Henry announced.

"Almost there. Almost there." Harry said quickly.

"Wells!" Joe yelled.

"Almost there.
Ready, Ramon?" Harry asked.


"Now!" I yelled.

"Expecto Patronum!
Great Scott! It's working!"

"Initiating collision," Harry said

Did Barry start to...disappear?
"Barry!" Iris yelled and we all flew back from the blast

"It worked!
Is everyone okay?
What happened?" Cisco ran in with questions.

No. What did you do to my son?" Henry asked after seeing Barry was not there, Zoom, great timing buddy.

"You thought you could give the Flash his speed back?
Well done.
You killed him instead." Zoom said and sped out.
"I'm so sorry," Harry said quietly.

"We lost him," Henry said.

"No, no, no, no, he... He could've got knocked somewhere or maybe even run there." Cisco walked to the computer. "Nothing on the GPS."

"There were strikes all over the building.
Jesse, come down here, please.
Wally?" Harry asked and both he, iris, and joe ran out.

"Henry, Ana, Wells' daughter is upstairs.
The energy hit her too.
Her heart stopped beating." Joe said as he walked in but both Henry and I ignored him.

"Ana, Henry!" He yelled.

"All right," Henry said and got up while I stayed for another second.

"I'm coming." I sighed.

"I saw him!
I saw barry!
He's alive."

"Cisco says Barry's still alive.
Where is he?" Henry asked as we walked into the recovery room.

"I don't know," Harry answered.

"Harry, I vibed him in the center of a storm.
It was, like, in, like, a vortex or something." Cisco explained.

"He's in... He's in the Speed Force." Harry sighed.

the flash and the black widow: WEAPON Where stories live. Discover now