68: Confession

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I'm doing this because I want to know if you will apologize. That's also the reason I'm not dressed and dolled up. We'll probably stay in the castle anyway. She's escorted by two soldiers and a maid to the dining room. 

Karl waited for her and locks eyes with her. You are still a sight to see. Last chance, Miyu. Show me that you can submit to me. I am your king since I do rule the demon world. Or I could tell her what I know. No, not yet. 'Let me start by saying that I'm waiting for your apology.' 

Miyu takes one look at the man when hearing those words. You still want me to apologize? You make me react this way and yet expect me to apologize. I hope you like eating alone. She turns around. 

'Walk away and you'll find yourself somewhere that's not your room.' Why do I expect any different outcome? He looks at her back. 

'At least, I would be a normal prisoner. Did you forget all the words you said to me?' She does turn back to face him. 'It wasn't all me. Yet the first you say is that you expect me to apologize. I said it yesterday. If you want something from me, you better be honest and straightforward about it. Especially because you taught me a few things. If whatever it is that you want is reasonable, I probably won't deny it.' 

In a second, he appears close to her. 'I don't believe you. Everyone always has a price...' 

'Not everyone. Just the women you came in contact with. And I'm one of them.' She doesn't regret it to interrupt him. 'Can we have a normal conversation or are you going to throw me in the dungeon for talking to you like this?' 

She's not joking. The only reason she's wearing those two bracelets is because she can't take them off. I enchanted them so she can't lose them and suppress her powers. Did she figure it out? 'You know that I like to keep it casual during dinner.' He takes her to the dining table. 'Sit down.' He pulls her chair backward. 

'That's not the only thing I'm waiting for, Karl. You called me a child again. Is that really how you see me?' She covers her glass when he wants to pour her a glass of wine. 'I don't drink.' She turns the glass upside down. 'I don't even want to drink since I live with vampires. Nor do I let you get me drunk to get any information or whatsoever. I'm a simple woman, just ask me.' I'm here for four days. I wonder when he loses his composure. Surely you're losing your patience as well. 

'Maybe later, not here at the dining table.' He sips his wine. 'How much do you know from your past?' 

'You tell me. You said that we went on a few dates. Maybe it will sound familiar.' With everything that you say or question, not once have I heard you ask anything about your sons. Do they mean so little to you? She eats some of the vegetables. 

I'll take it easy but it will be the last time. Try to defy me, I dare you, Miyu. Yet he tells her about a date that he took her to the movie and after it to the beach. And that he took her home but only after watching the sunrise. 'That was your first time in the human world.' He ends telling her the date. 

No, it doesn't ring a bell. Is it so far back that I don't remember or is he making stuff up? That or he's mixing his life with Cordelia up with me. It could have been with her and not me. 'Sorry, nothing. But that doesn't mean that it won't come back to me.' She finishes her plate. 

'It's okay. I remember the first time we met. That was during a ball. You danced with my brother and he introduced us to each other.' He understands that he needs to be honest and have patience. However, both are running out and fast. I don't have time for this. My time is running out. Who knows how long I have until it's over. 

She puts her utensils down. 'That I do remember. Apparently, I wasn't fond of my sister's dress.' And that I danced with you. 

'I will never forget how we danced that evening. Like everything around us stopped existing and it was just the two of us. It felt intimate and cozy.' He leans closer to her. 'It was just right with you in my arms.' 

𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐄𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora