10: Moonlight

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For a few days, Miyu gets some time to herself. Time to grief her sister and shift her focus back to school. She cried for one day. After that, she started to exhaust herself so she could sleep. 

'All your scars seem to be fading. Even the old ones.' Yui helped her with her back. 

I have noticed the same. Miyu pulls her button-down shirt on. 'I know.' She hears someone knocking on the door. 

Yui waits for Miyu to be covered and opens the door. 'Reiji-Kun?' 

'Miyu, no more skipping classes at school. I know Yui gave you the homework during your time off.' Reiji made sure she wouldn't miss much. 

Miyu puts her socks on. 'Thank you for that. I couldn't focus for the first two days.' Back on her feet, she puts her blazer on. With her bag, she goes downstairs to the kitchen. She knows she has another ten minutes left before the limousine leaves. With a bottle of drink and fruit in her bag, she makes her way to the front door. Where she makes sure she's the last one to get inside. 

'Is it me or is it getting crammed inside?' Kanato tries to make room for Miyu. 

Miyu realizes the same. 'Then why don't I do this to save some room.' She barely thinks about it and sits on Laito's lap. 'Seems like you won't object to it.' 

'No, I won't. Although it's quite tempting to bite you. You have your neck all exposed like this.' Laito refers to her naked neck due to a low ponytail. 

Yui finds it hard to believe that Miyu seems her normal self again. Sitting on someone's lap like that. And Laito no less. 

'I know I've kept you waiting for some days.' Miyu knows the rules. 'Maybe somewhere during the night but not now. Not in the car.' 

I just hope to bite her. Kanato holds Teddy to watch Miyu with his brother. 'This is something new, Teddy. I wonder if she'll ever take it further than this and with who.' 

'Keep wondering. Because I don't see that happening with anyone.' Miyu reacts without thinking. 

'It's not only your neck. I wonder what else I can teach you?' Laito continues and licks her ear. 'What lingerie are you wearing?' He whispers. Still, he's fully aware his brothers can hear every single word. 

'Pervert.' Ayato wishes Miyu would've picked him instead. 'Don't you have some panties to steal or something?' 

Laito sniffs her scent. 'Why? Do you know where I could find some?' 

'I'm sure he wants to know where I keep mine,' laughs Miyu and leans against him. 'I want something new. I don't mind someone else's opinion. Do you want to go shopping with me?' 

'I'll go with you.' Laito lays his arms around her. 

'It's a date.' Miyu smiles. Even when she notices it does something to Laito having her on his lap. I'll tell him when we're alone. Simply because I don't see myself sharing the bed with any of them. They are vampires, and I'm human. I don't think I would survive that. 

'What are you thinking, Little Vixen?' purrs Laito in her ear. 

'That I won't survive having sex with any of you.' Miyu keeps her ears open for their reaction. 

Yui gasps and widens her eyes. 

Ayato chuckles. 

'She's right,' says Subaru with his eyes on the girl. Not even blushing for what she said? 

Good to have you back, Miyu. Reiji keeps reading his book while listening. 


'Yui, thanks for giving me the heads up about the test.' Miyu walks towards the cafeteria with her. 'How do you think you did?' 

𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐄𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞Where stories live. Discover now