2- No one cares

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'Well I'm sorry!!! I'm sorry because I'm weak, okay??? I'm not as strong as her, not as strong as you!!! I can't even fucking decide on anything on my own!!!! I'm sorry because I know I'm a horrible unnie but I can't do anything about it!!! I'm sorry, okay??? I know you hate me, but was it necessary to yell all those at me?? I know these past weeks I've been spending less time with you, but you don't know the full story, and I'm not planning to tell any of you!!! Im still your unnie, I still deserve respect!!! You can't yell at me like im a fucking slut!!' Tears fell from my eyes as I yelled towards the air, hoping but not hoping that they'll hear it at the same time.


I looked back at Jisoo guiltily, everyone doing the same. We heard what she said, and I felt really bad.

Maybe we didn't really know everything.

I sighed, leaning against the wall. "Did she just say that she didn't tell us everything? That she's not planning to tell us either??"

Dahyun turned to me and nodded. "Maybe it isn't that simple. Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it, maybe she's already trying her hardest. knowing Soojoo, she's real clingy and she hates Jisoo giving anyone else attention. Jisoonie probably is fed up with her, maybe, I don't know. Or maybe like you said, something happened."

Lisa sighed. "Nini, we both know Jisoonie just as well as we know Rosie. She's right, not just Rosie, nobody had told her what we felt before you yelled. If she had known, she would've never neglected Rosie. Plus, she cried, showing that she really cares for everyone, and...she's probably really hurt, Nini. You called her a slut."

I looked at her in shock. "I called her a what?" I whispered, not knowing how bad I actually lost my temper.

I called her a slut??

They nodded, and I looked down to the floor, guilty.



I gasped for breath, as I slumped down on the hospital chair, sobbing. I'm so tired.

Plus I just found out that the 'love of my life' cheated on me just before I was going to propose.

'I-I'm so tired... i hate my l-life...s-so bad... I-I wish I'm d-dead...no one cares, anyway.' I muttered to myself, knowing no one could hear me.

'I-I c-care, u-unnie.'

A familiar voice made me snap my head up, making me stare into the beautiful eyes of Park Chaeyoung.

She was looking so weak, so feeble, and yet a smile was present on her face.

I rushed in and grasped her hands as I saw her move. I slowly helped her sit up.

'I'm sorry Chaeyoung. I'm so sorry...' I sobbed as i kissed her cheeks and forehead gently. I felt my head slump on her hands as tears continuously fell from my eyes. It was all my fault. 'I should've never ignored you. I should have been there for you when you needed me. It's all my fault. I'm such a bad unnie.' I whispered through hiccups. I had trouble breathing, I really have never cried this bad in a while.

Rosie smiled her angelic smile at me, again as she shook her head. 'Unnie. You're the best, okay?? It's alright, unnie, it's okay, hmm?'

I let out a sob, again as I gently hugged her. I missed that warmth so much.

'I love you.' I didn't think twice before telling her this. It was all they ever wanted. Never once any of them had heard an 'I love you' directed to them, and they always pester me about that. 'I love you so much.' I continued.

I really did.


Honestly, I felt a bit bad scolding Jisoo unnie. I know, she cares about us so much and I know that she would've never ignored her if she had known that Rosie was lonely. A few days past, and Jisoo never left the hospital except for when Rosie forced us to take her home to shower. Even when she's awake or when she's asleep, her gazes never left Chae.

How sweet! I glanced at the others and their faces told me that they were cooing as well as Jisoo was squeezing Rosé's hands when she's asleep. I took out my phone and took a photo of it as I thought it was the cutest thing ever. I actually forgave her already as she legit came here every single day, late at night when Rosie is asleep or early in the morning, just before she woke up.

'Gosh Jisoonie. She's asleep, go back home! We're gonna stay here with her! You should rest.' Even I was worried. Jisoo looked really tired and even though she smiled, it was weak. She shook her head, pushing Jeongyeon who was trying yo drag her away.

'No. What you scolded me was 100% true, and I'm never letting her out of my sight again. Don't worry, I'll cling onto her even if she's real annoyed by my clinginess. And I'll be there with her. I'll make up for everything.' Jisoo smiled weakly at us before glancing back to Chae, muttering apologies that woke her up.

'Jisoo unnie! Go back home! You have to rest, you look so tired. Your eyes are so red and you have eye bags now because you haven't slept enough.' Rosie woke and looked at Jisoo, who was trying really hard to smile for Rosie. But how would Rosie buy it if even I, the normally unobservant one could see through it at once?

'Hey Chip.' Jisoo murmured softly and put on a smile for Rosie. Rosie knew immediately that something's wrong, and she glanced at us the second Jisoo looked away as We all shared a look. She heaved a sigh, diverting everyone's attention back to her.

'Please go home. You look real tired and I dont want to see you like this, chu!' Rosie exclaimed and Jisoo shook her head.

'No. I'm never leaving you again. Never.' Jisoo said firmly as she gripped Rosie's hand tighter, making me feel really guilty. Perhaps it wasn't that simple. 'I should've made more time for you. I shouldn't have made you think that I did not care about you, when you're literally one of the only things that I care about and love. I'm sorry, because I didn't explain anything. Im sorry, that I always put on a fake smile when you talk to me. Im sorry, I'm sorry because I'm weak. I'm sorry.' Jisoo continued, making us stare curiously.

'What do you mean? You're not weak.' Rosie whispered, she noticed how Jisoo was trying not to cry and she hated it when she's the reason that she's crying.

Jisoo shook her head again. 'No, you don't understand. Just forget it...' She wrapped her up in a hug, which made us wonder what happened. Jisoo was sniffling, and our eyes were literally open wide. She never cries, never.

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