Chapter 14

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Third person's POV:

It's been two months since he and Mick became boyfriends. Over summerbreak, the both of them had the best time as the two young men had spend all summer together in England with Callum's family. Mick's sister came by a couple of days and his mother  stayed with them for two weeks. The weather had been sunny and for once it didn't rain in England. Lot's of friends came over, they've had about a thousand movie nights and both of them couldn't be happier.

The last days of the break weren't that great. Quite the opposite, actually. Callum had visited a doctor to check up on his leg. Plans were to get an operation at the end of this year, when his leg would have healed enough. Though, the doctor had stated his leg didn't heal like it should and his chances of ever getting feeling back in his leg were getting smaller and smaller.

Callum was devastated. He knew that his racing carreer was pretty much over. He was happy that Mick was there for him, but his boyfirend couldn't change the fact that his dreams were shattered into pieces.

Mick had gone to Hungary for the first formula one race after summer holiday, but Callum had decided to stay in England with his family. Both men had agreed it was better for him to stay at home for a bit, instead of traveling with the young German.

So here he was, sitting at the dining table with his mother. Jane had seen her son getting more depressed each day he was sitting at home alone and it broke her heart. Today at dinner she decided to talk to her son.

"Cal, are you okay?"

Callum shot up from his thoughts and shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me, I know you are not okay. You look a bit depressed, love. It's not good for you to sit at home alone all day."

"That's all I can, mom. All I can do is just sitting here doing absolutely nothing."

"That's not true, Cal. You don't have to sit here and doing nothing. There's so much more you're capable of doing besides racing."

"I don't think that's true, mom. All my life I've pictured my future as a professional racer, and now I can't be one anymore and I've got nothing else."

Callum was getting a bit frustrated and his mother grabbed his hand. 

"You still have a future, you know that right. There's so much else you can do apart from sitting in the car. Just think about it, alright."

Callum nodded.

"Just picture yourself. Not like over 10 years, just about a year or so."

The young men nodded again and started imagining his life.

"Where do you see yourself?"

"On track."

"Are you driving?"

"I wish, but no."

"Then what are you doing."

Callum sighted.

"I don't know, just talking to people. Some engineers and teambosses even," he chuckled.

"Is that what you want to do? Being on track?"

"Yeah. It's my home.  Our home, ofcourse. I mean, Mick and I have a house and stuff, but the paddock is our second home. It feels like it, anyway."

"You see," Jane smiled,"you don't have stop chasing your dreams. You can still achieve them."

Callum knew his mother was right. Maybe his childhood dream of being a formula one driver wouldn't come true, but he had so many others which he was even more driven for to achieve now. Thinking about his future was a calming thought for the first time in a while, because he was very sure how he wanted it to be. His future was with Mick. Together they would own the paddock and make it their home. When he closed his eyes, the only thing he could think of was how he wanted to walk hand in hand through the paddock. It was his only wish. Mick and him, no one else. 

So this was the beginning of a new life for the young Brit. That same night he had face-timed his boyfriend to talk about his future plans. Together they started thinking about his future carreer. They quickly decided to not think about enginering or jobs like that, because he didn't study for it and (knowing Callum's lazy study-attitude) he wasn't going to. 

Callum thought back to the conversation he had with his mother. He saw himself talking to people in the paddock. He smiled at the thought of asking team bosses hard and a bit annoying questions and feeling like he belonged there.  

On the other side of the phone, Mick could see his boyfriend's eyes drift away in their own imaginary world and a smile was formed on his face. 

"What are you thinking of?" he asked after a while. 

The other man's eyes went back to the screen and he chuckled. 

"You can become a journalist in a wheelchair, right?



Soooooo, I personally really like this chapter, let me know what you guys think.

Also, big thanks for the 1k reads, it's really unbelievable. 

Have an amazing day everyone, y'all are amazing people. 

Lot's of love :)

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