Chapter 6

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It was the beginning of the evening in America and we had just gotten home from the hospital. We had taken a cab with enough space for Callum's wheelchair. It dropped us of at his house and I pushed Callum inside. I hadn't been in his house before.  It's white from the outside, but more black on the inside. When you open the front door, you enter the hallway with a black wall. It leads to the livingroom with one light grey and one more anthracite wall. Though, it didn't look cold or anything like it. There were some pictures on the wall and the brown sofa with green cushions made it look very cozy inside. 

I had rolled Callum inside the livingroom and he climbed on the couch. It didn't go very well, with still one leg in a cast and one wrapped in bandages, but he somehow managed without my help. He'll have to wear the cast for 5 weeks, before he'll get another operation in his foot. The doctor had said that if he was lucky, he would eventually get some feeling back in his leg. Right now he didn't feel anything up till his knee, because of the bones that had been crushed in the crash.  His other leg was healing a lot though, so it wouldn't take very long until the bandages could go off. 

We sat in the livingroom for a couple of minutes in a little uncomfortable silence, so I spoke up.

"So, what are the plans now?"

Callum shruged: "Well, my mom will be here tomorrow."

He had called with his mother this afternoon in the hospital. She was trying to get to America as soon as possible, but the first flight didn't go earlier then late at night. She was ofcourse worried sick about her son, especially when he told her he didn't feel his foot anymore. I couldn't even imagine how hard it must be for her to live on the other side  of the world as her son. I mean, I could barely handle the distance with Callum. It also made me hate fact that I had to leave tomorrow morning. 

"Yeah, I'm so so sorry that I have to leave tomorrow Cal."

"Don't worry about it man. I'm no fun right now anyways. I mean, look at me."

"Please don't say that. You're my best friend and I care about you."

"Thank you Mick," he said.

"Though, I know I look horrible," he continued," but mate, please go get a shower or something. You look like a hobo man!" He laught at me. I pretend to be shocked, but I knew very well I looked horrible aswell. I hadn't showered yet after the long flight and I was still wearing my teamwear. 

"Alright alright, where is the bathroom."

"Upstairs, door with the mirror on it. You can borrow some of my clothes when you're done. I would have given you something, but yeah. So just take something."

"I'll do," I said and headed of to the shower. 

When I was done I threw the towel around my waist and went to the big closet in the room next to it.  It was full with mostly teamwear and sporting clothes, which I was thankful for though. I mean, it would have been weird if I showed up in a suit or something. Eventually I grabbed just a random black pair of sweatpants and a blue hoodie. When I was dressed again I went back downstairs. When I was halfway down, I heard Callum talking to someone on the phone. 

"What if this is it? I've raced my whole life mum, I can't do anything else? What would I do?"

There was a short silence, probably because the other person, his mother apparently, was talking.

"Yes, I know, but it's so hard. I can't feel my freaking toes!"

There was this silence again, except for the little sob that came from Callum.

"But I'm alone here. Everybody is there in Europe and I'm here. And Mick is here now but he'll be racing soon, just like everyone else."

Shit. Ofcourse he felt fucking alone. Everyone he knew here in america is racing and his family is in Europe. 

"Yeah I know. I see you tomorrow. Love you too."

O shit, I've overheared their whole conversation. C'mon Mick, you can't just do that. I quickly ran down the stairs and entered the livingroom again. Callum smiled as he saw me walking in and I couldn't help myself smiling back. He gave a quick look at my sweater and smirked.

"So, Schumacher here comes to the States and immediatly steals my Tommy H hoodie hm?"

"O seriously? I'm sorry do you want me to change? I'll change wait one sec-"

"Don't! Idiot I was joking. Keep it, it suites you well," he said with the same smirk on his face.

Damn it. If I didn't blush already, I certainly did now. I just sat down on the chair again and grapped my phone. I heard Callum chuckle but I decided to ignore it.  

"By the way, I ordered some food for us, it will be here any second. Your trainer better doesn't mind you eating pizza on a monday," he chuckled. "Peperoni, right?"

"Yeah, that's my favorite!" I cheered.

"Yeah, I knew." 

Okay, did I say I was blushing already. Awkward. Thankfully though, Cal didn't seem to notice. Like he called it, the pizza guy rang the doorbell at that exact moment. I quickly stood up, took the pizza's from him and went to the kitchen. 

I came back with the plates full of pizza and gave one to Callum. He mumbled a thank you to me, but his mind seemed to be somewhere else. 

"What are you thinking about Cal?"

"Hm?" he asked, not hearing what I've said and it made me chuckle a bit.

"I asked what you were thinking about."

"Oh, well, I was just wondering. Why are you here Mick?"

"I uhm, I told you that right. I saw your crash and I came here."

I scratched the back of my neck feeling a bit awkward. Why did he ask that? Didn't he want me to be here? Ofcourse it is very weird to just fly to america like that without telling him or anything. God, he had just crashed and now he had to deal with me being around. That was probably what this was about, he didn't like the fact that I was here.

"Oh I'm sorry, you do not want me to be here right? God, I didn't know what made me think that I could just-"

"No! No Mick, that's not even close to what I was thinking. I really like the fact that you are here and it just sucks you'll have to leave tomorrow already. I just asked because I do not understand it. You've got such a bussy life with way more important things to do than being here with me. What made you come?"

"You're my best friend, I couldn't just look at the tv waiting for you to feel better. I thought- "

I paused for a moment. I didn't want to tell him I thought he was dead for a second. He feels shitty enough already. So I sighted:

"I just wanted to see you."

"Well, I'm glad you're here." He smiled and looked down to his  plate with pizza that was placed in his lap. 

"Me too," I smiled back at him, "but bro, seriously? A green wall in the bathroom?"

"Oh fuck off, it's modern. I found it on the IKEA website."

"Yeah right," I laughed at him and he threw a pillow at me, but he couldn't controle his laughter himself anymore. Like the old days, we spend the whole evening laughing at eachother and fooling around with our pizza's. Damn, I've missed this.


A/N: kinda had a writersblock, but yeah. Here's the new chapter, I hope you guys like it. Thanks for reading, over a 100 already, can't believe it. 

Lots of love :)

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