Chapter 13

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British Grand Prix, friday

Callum's POV:

It's been a while since I've been here. On a race track, I mean. I won't lie, I've missed the smell and the sound of the cars driving around. The thing I miss most is driving the car, obviously. I've never known how to describe the feeling of racing and I just can't explain how much I miss it either. It's just everything I do and live for. And, it's gone. For me at least. Today I'm watching loads of other amazing drivers racing like their lives depend on it. The surroundings make me feel safe and it feels like I belong here. Though, I won't lie that it hurts as well. 

It's been even longer since I've been in England. Lots of friends and family came here today to watch the race, but also to see me. I've seen my dad, my sister and some friends. Just like the racing, I've missed them. However, just like the racing, it stings seeing them. It makes me feel weak to see them in this condition. 

But, before you all think this weekend is all depressing, I'm very happy to be on track. It's the Britsh Grand Prix! Ofcourse I'm here to support Mick, my boyfriend. 

Yes, yes. He's my boyfriend now. 'It' happened two days ago, when were on our way to Great Britain. We were sitting at the airport while eating our lunch. Mick was pretty tired from his morning workout and he was sitting on a little couch. I could see his eyes fighting to keep themselves open, as he was staring in the distance. Though, that uncomfortable seat would not let him rest in anyway. So, I turned off the music we were both listening to and Mick gave me a confused look. 

"Get up," I said, waving my hand. 

"Cal, we can stay here for a while, we don't have to check in yet."

"No, that's not what I mean. You, get up. You're not comfortable, so you can have my chair," I said, pointing at my wheelchair. From the outside it doesn't look like it, but my wheelchair is pretty comfortable. It has to be, because I'm sitting in it all day for weeks. 

"What? No, that's a very stupid idea," Mick said.

"Nope, it's not. If you just move, I can sit on the bench and you can sit in my chair. Don't you dare to refuse, Schumacher," I laught.

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" he chuckled when he finally stood up. I rolled my chair so it was standing parallel with the bench. It took me some effort to climb on it (and I saw Mick was struggeling to not help me, but he knows that i'll manage) but I've had enough practice with climbing out of bed each day to manage getting seated on the bench. It's tough though. My left leg is basically fine, just some bruises and bandages, but my right... Yeah, it's pretty much unmoveable on its own. I still do not have any feeling in it until above my knee. 

Once seated I saw Mick was already sitting in my chair, which made me chuckle. 

"Hey, what are you laughing at," he asked, trying to sound offended, but he failed so badly. 

"You look cute," I told him and he started blushing. I didn't want to say, but the pink colour on his cheecks made him look even more cute. I turned on the music again and Mick fell back in his tired gaze. It was a very peacefull moment, until someone called Mick's name. 

"Mick! Excuse me, you are Mick Schumacher, right?"

The young boy (I guess 15 years old or so) was standing in front of us with his phone in his hand. He was clearly a formula one fan as he was wearing a Mclaren Racing cap. Mick's eyes shot up to the boy and he smiled. He turned off the music and talked to the boy. They talked a bit about whether the boy had ever seen a race and who he was supporting. After the little talk, the boy asked the obvious.

"Can I get a picture with you?"

"Sure," Mick chuckled and they took a selfie together. The boy thanked Mick and then went back to a woman, who I assumed was his mother. 

"Mister popular," I fake offended him and we both laughed. It was only now that I noticed all the other people around us on the airport. Ofcourse, I knew they were there, but I hadn't noticed them looking at us before. It was like Mick had read my mind when he chuckled. 

"Imagine what people are going to say if they see this. 'Schumacher injured!' I bet some media have already given my seat away."

"I think you're ruled out for 16 months man," I lauged as well. 

"But seriously," I asked him and I changed my tone," what are you going to tell them. The media and fans I mean."

It did stress my mind. I mean, we were kind of a thing now, but would he tell the world about us? I mean, yes we were dating but, yeah. I don't know. We weren't officially a thing yet, if you know what I mean. Mick seemed to notice my struggles and he smiled at me.

"You know what I would tell them? I would tell them that I had the most amazing week in America, but it was very tiring, so I almost fell asleep on the airport. So the sweetest man in this world gave me his seat, so I could rest a bit. And, I would tell them that I'm the luckiest man on the world to have such an amazing boyfriend."

I gulped.

"You would tell them I'm your boyfriend?"

"I mean, if you want to be?"

"Omg yes! Ofcourse you stupid!"

"Then yes, I would tell them."

So here I was, sitting in the paddock with some Haas engineers. Mick is doing track walk right now and he's scheduled for press conference right after. It gave me some time to catch up with everyone in the paddock. Just as I had finished my conversation with Mick's engineers, I heard someone calling my name. It was Marcus, my former rival in formula 2. We were great friends back then, but haven't talked a lot since. It was good to see him again and I smiled.

"Ey ey, look who's there," I replied. 

"Ey ey, been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yup, how are you anyway?"

"Great, how about you? What brings you here in the paddock?"

"Well, I'm great. I'm here with Mick but he's doing trackwalk or something right now."

"Actually," I heard a certain voice behind me," I'm just done."

Mick was standing behind me and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my hands around his arms and smiled. 

"About time," I chuckled. 

"Hold on," Marcus started his sentence with a confused look on his face. Both Mick and myself chuckled by the sight of his face and explained everything to him. 



Their cute, aren't they??

Sorry for the awfull ending, but yeah. I hope you liked it anyway.

Have a good week everyone, lots of love :)

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