Chapter 12

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The next morning Callum looked at his alarm clock for the 700th time. He hadn't closed an eye at night because he had been thinking about the guy who was sleeping on his couch. He couldn't get his mind around the fact that Mick had reacted so calmly. He had shown up to his door late in the evening after having yelled at him in the afternoon. He had made him cry and he had seen him break, yet the German had just told him to sleep and to talk the next day.

There was the other thing the Brit couldn't stop thinking about. What was he going to say? Mick basically hadn't reacted to the fact that he had confessed his crush on him. Wouldn't he just not understand it, or would he ignore it because he hates it? Would he tell him that he is going to leave forever now, or would they still be able to be friends?

The alarm clock was telling Callum it was 8 in the morning and he finally found it a reasonable time to get out of bed. With all the strength he had he pulled himself up and sat up straight. This was the moment he hated most of everyday. He had always been a morning person. As soon as the alarm clock started playing "Clocks" by Coldplay, he would jump out of bed already looking forward to making breakfast. However, that's not really the case anymore. Now, every morning he wakes up, his legs are to heavy to move and he hates making breakfast, since he can't reach for anything from his wheelchair. 

Still, he managed to get to the kitchen and to grab some yoghurt. He had figured it was better to not wake Mick up, since that would be a little awkward. Not like the rest of the day wouldn't be awkward, but still. 

From the livingroom he heard stumbling towards the kitchen. Callum almost choked in his yoghurt when he saw the German standing in the door. Shit. He had been thinking all night on something to say to him, yet he was speechless. Mick was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, his hair was messy and his eyes looked sleepy. He didn't look very good, yet he did. It made Callum's mind black out.

"Good morning," Mick said to older sitting in the kitchen.

"Uh, good- goodmorning," Callum managed to choke out. Well, here we go then. 

"Look I do not want things to get very awkward today, so let's talk about what happened yesterday, okay?" 

"Alright," Mick sighted, being just as nervous as Callum himself. 

"Okay let's just start at the beginning. I'm sorry for yelling at you over the phone. I really had not a single reason to do so and I know it hurt you, so yeah. I'm sorry."

"That's okay," the younger mumbled, while fumbling with his fingers. 

"No, no it's not okay. I was so rude to you while you had been nothing but amazing with me. I mean, you flew to the states. Twice, might I add. You've done so much for me and I treat you like shit! I can't believe you're still here. It would have made so much sense for you to just leave me here, but you don't. I don't know why, but I'm so thankful for it. I don't fucking deserve as a friend."

"Callum, don't worry about it."

"No! Mick stop! Please leave me, alright! It's better for you and I'll manage. Please go away. Go back to Europe, forget about me. Please leave."

Callum had tried to stay calm, but had failed immediatly. He couldn't stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks as he pointed at the door. Mick on the other hand, had stayed very calm. His hands were folded hanging in front of him as he was leaning on one leg. Looked at the door Callum as pointing at, but shooked his head.

"I'm sorry Cal, but I'm not leaving."

"Mick, leave! Alright, go and forget me!"


"Just leave!"

"No!" Mick was losing his calmness too.

"Tell me why first."

"Haven't you heard me yesterday? I like you, Mick. I've liked you for so long and it's getting more and more everytime I hear your voice or when I look into your eyes. It's making me sick because I know you will hate me for it. I hate myself too, don't worry. I'm ruining everything and I'm sorry and-"

"You are the one who didn't listen yesterday, Cal," Mick said, back in his own calm voice. It made Callum a bit scared. What had he done wrong? 

"I told you I would never hate you, Cal. I promise I never will."

"But- I'll ruin-"

"No," the German interrupted him," you have to stop talking about youself in such a negative way. You didn't ruin anything and you never will, alright?"

Callum stayed silent this time, not knowing what to say. He didn't know what Mick meant by his statement either. Did he mean they would still be friends? Or was he just saying this so that he wouldn't feel bad? After this moment of silence, Mick continued.

"Can you listen to me for a bit, please?" Callum nodded.

"I'll start at the beginning aswell then. You know, that night I was watching your race and I pretty much saw you dying from the pain you had. It was horrible and it still wakes me up sometimes. I was so scared about... well, you. Your future, your health or wether, you know, you would still be the same after what happened. All I wanted was to be there for you, but I was on the other side of the world. So as fast I could I came here, to the States. I remember running through the gates and toward the hospital like I was losing you. Thank god, I didn't. When I arrived you where there and I'm pretty sure I've never been happier in my entire life."

Both drivers were trying not to cry at this point, but both of them failed. 

"So yeah, not losing you was the best thing that ever happened to me. That's also why I flew here again yesterday, because I was scared of losing you, Cal. I'm not going to lie, it hurt really bad when you said you wanted me to go away and forget about you. That's never going to happen and I hope you understand. I do not want to leave. I want to stay with you, Callum."

"But- I-," Callum sobbed," what about my feelings? You know, doens't it matter to you?"

"They do, and maybe I share those feelings."

Mick was looking at the ground, not knowing where to look at. He had just confessed his feelings to Callum. He could feel his stare on his body and he felt the tension change in the room. He didn't have to say anything else before Callum spoke up.

"Mick, can you please look at me?"

And so he did. Callum saw the perfect blue eyes meeting his own. He was trying to read what Mick might be feeling, but he didn't even have to try. The moment their eyes had met, something happened. They both didn't know whether it was a feeling or something else, but it was there. After a short comfortable silence, the older managed to speak up again. 

"Can I hold you hand, please?"

Mick walked over to where Callum was sitting and knelt down besides him. He took the others left hand and placed his own on his face. He whiped some tears away with his thumb as he felt the Brit leaning to his touch. He moved more towards the other until their forheads were touching. Callum had placed his hand on the others face aswell and rubbed his thumbs over his cheeks. With the both of them having closed their eyes, they said there in a very comfortable silence. 



Alrighttttt, sorry for the long wait, but here it is! I hope you like the chapter. 

Personally I would hate to wake up to "clocks" everyday, but yeah, couldn't really think of something else. 

That's all, I hope y'all have a good day. Lot's of love!

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