Chapter 4

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TW!: Blood


Callum was laying in the white hospital bed when he saw me coming in. His voice sounded alive, but the rest of him looked absolutely horrible. One leg was lifted up, covered in a cast, and the other one was laid down wrapped in bandage. His face was pale, probably due to the operation and his hair was spread down on his forehead. A quick look in his eyes told me that he felt misserable and maybe a little scared. Then I saw the frown on his forehead that expressed his confusion. 

"Callum, oh my god I'm so happy to see you, I-" I stopped halfway my sentence. My hand was reaching for his, but I didn't know whether he was hurt or if I could touch it. Callum seemed to understand my sudden awkwardness and he took my hand. A rush of relief went through my body when I finally felt Callum's touch. 

"But Mick, what are you doing in America?"

I sat down on the chair next to his bed, not letting go of his hand. As hard as I tried to ignore the lump in my throat, it didn't succeed. A single tear rolled down my face as I started to explain everything to Callum.

"You crashed, Cal. It was on TV, you were in so much pain and, and-" 

"Sst, it's okay Mick. It's fine. Look, I'm good you see?"

His hand let go of mine and he used it to lift my head. More tears had found their ways over my cheek and Callum gently whiped them away. A short but comfortable silence fell when I felt his hand over my face. At this point I didn't know why I was crying anymore. Whether it was because I was happy to see him, sad to see him all injured or it was just pure tireness, I don't know. Neither did I care. 

"So, you came all the way from Europe to see me?" I nodded. 

"I'm sorry I should have called in forehand, well I did, but yeah you know. I didn't think I'm sorry Cal I-"

"Stop apologizing," Callum interupted me.

"Come here," he said, patting on the spot on the matras right next to him. I hesistated a little. What if I'd hurt him?

"It's okay, really, it's not like I'm able to move anyway," he said, pointing to his foot in the air. I climbed on the bed and swung my feet on it, still careful that I didn't touch him. I glanced at Callum, but he seemed a little annoyed by it.

"It's just my legs, Mick, you won't hurt me," he said, gesturing that I should move closer. So I did. 

"You look absolutely horrible," he continued, "like you haven't slept in days."

"Well, thanks a lot."

"Come on, you know what I mean."

"Just the jetlag," I murmered. 

"Get some sleep," he said, placing my head on his shoulder. I wanted to argue, because I didn't come here to sleep. I wanted to ask him how he was and talk with him and just being there for him. Though, I also knew that my eyes were literally fighting to keep themselves open, so I just nodded. 


I woke up feeling a bit cold, which was a strange feeling because I was still wearing my team-jacket. I tried to snuggle a bit closer to Callum, without hitting his feet, and I laid my head on his chest. To my surprise callums chest was stonecold. I looked up to meet Callum's eyes, but they were closed. Was he sleeping then? I decided to not wake him up and I wrapped myself around his body to keep him warm. I'd never do this normally, but at the moment it felt right. As I threw my arms around his chest, I got this weird feeling in my hand. I lifted my hand in the air and jumped at the sight. It was covered in red fluid, that couldn't be anything different than Callum's blood. 

"Callum!" I yelled. 

"Omg Callum, I'm so sorry, wake up!"

How could he sleep through this? He was bleeding like hell and it must hurt very bad too. The red river started to cover the white sheets of the bed. Shit, shit, shit. What should I do.

"Callum! You're bleeding! Wake up, please!"


"Somebody, help! Help here!"

I started screaming for help, but when nobody came I ran to the hall. I wasn't out of the room yet, when the nurse from earlier bumped into me. 

"Mister Schumacher, how can I help you."

"He's bleeding! Help, I think he's dying, just do something!"

I was out of breath from the yelling and the tears started rolling down again. The nurse gave me a confused look but didn't say anything.

"What are you- go help him for gods sake!" I started crying harder and screaming louder.

"I'm sorry mister Schumacher. The mister Ilott is already dead."

"What?! No, no no no he isn't, we were just sleeping, please-" I cried:

"Please go help him."

"I'm very sorry for your loss, sir."

The nurse looked at me with a serious look in her eyes. She wasn't joking, she was deadly serious. But that meant- 

No, no no no. Callum. He was okay, he was fine, he can't be dead. As quickly as my body possibely could I turned around and ran towards the bed with Callum in it. I tried to run to him and to reach his hand, but the nurse held me back and stopped me.

"Callum! Wake up! Please, wake up!"

"Mick," the voice behind me said, but it was to soft to stop me from screaming to Callum. 

"Mick!" it said louder and with that I fell on the ground.

"Mick! Wake up, what's up?"

There I was again, waking up in the hospital bed. I looked up, and saw Callum besides me with a worried look on his face. He was alive and well and he didn't bleed at all. I felt my body all sweaty and my cheeks were drowning in the tears that fell down on from my eyes.

"Mick, what's wrong?" Callum asked again.

"Cal, are you bleeding? You were bleeding, are you okay?" I rant out.

"Mick, I'm okay, I'm not bleeding."

"You were dead! Is this real again? Are you alive?"

"Yes, mick, look, I'm all fine."

I just sobbed. He wasn't dead, fuck I was so happy. I didn't even want to think back to the moment I thought he was gone. 

"Come here," Cal said and he hugged me.

"Don't ever do that again, promise me?" I asked him. 

"I promise."

Comeback || Mick Schumacher x Callum IlottUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum