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After that night, you haven't seen Haruchiyo, you also busied yourself with your business.

You thought he finally left you but you would come home with signs he'd been home while you were at work, it made you feel relief.

It has already been a week since that night and now you were at your office, reviewing a few information just before a meeting until a knock was heard on your door. "ma'am, your visitor is waiting for you in the other room."

You sighed for a moment, then followed your worker to where a fashion designer that your brothers recommended.

He wasn't famous, but since your brother insisted on this person to be your first exclusive fashion designer for your company, he might worth something.

Your company doesn't really hire fashion designer, you only retail them with rights from the original brand.

In short, you sell clothes that is also for sale in other stores.

But your brothers told you sell original products from an exclusive designer so you would have your own brand.

Of course, at first you didn't like the idea because having your own brand would be much hassle, so, your brothers suggested to try it out even with just one designer and stop if you don't like it.

You really hate the idea because having your own brand would mean you need a factory to make the clothes.

Really, if they don't want me in Bonten, they should just say so instead of making me work.

"good afternoon, Mitsuya san. Thank you for coming in today." you said as you take a seat in front of him, and to your suprise, he doesn't look that professional with the piercings and coloured hair, you wouldn't be surprised if he have an hidden tattoo. "good after noon, Akashi-san, I'm really grateful for this opportunity." he stood up bowing his head to you then sat back down. "you should thank my brothers, they're the ones who suggested you to me. So mind if i see some of your designs that you're willing to sell?"

He nodded, sliding a folder closer to you, taking a look at some of his design, you were quite impress and its also your taste in fashion, professional, fancy yet rebellious and slutty. "are these designs you draw for the company or are these old designs?"

"yes, some of them are old sketches and some of them are sketches i made just recently that i think would suit this company." you looked at him again and you thought he really doesn't look professional but his manners are. "and i guess that madam only sells what she would wear guessing from what you're currently wearing."

"i see you've done your research." You raised an eye brow at his comment, though its true, you would only wear clothes that you would personally wear. "you have an sharp eye with grate talent, wonder where my brothers found you."

Mitsuya only laugh awkwardly because, to be honest, he doesn't know who your brother is, he never met an Akashi in his life. An email was only sent to him one night saying that your company is interested in his design, and of course, as a starting designer that didn't go to a fashion school, he accepted.

And just as about Mitsuya was about to talk again, the door burst open, revealing two man in suits that look familiar too him. "Reina~ your handsome big brothers brought you lunch-have you eaten lunch yet?" Ran asked you as you sighed, looking at your brothers with a scowl. "Aniki, im in a meeting with the dude you suggested, can you wait?" you grumble, massaging your temple in disappointment.

Your brothers looked at him up down with a judgemental look. "yo, long time no see, Mitsuya." Ran said

Mitsuya looked at your brothers for a moment to suddenly remember who they are. "Roppongi's Haitani brothers? She's your sister?" he asked in shook, fully knowing who they are, he put up his gaurd. "yeah yeah, uh, Mitsuya san, can we continue this another day because i just know that they won't let us finish with our business. Is that okay with you?" you signed again. "yes of course." Mitsuya stood up from his seat, watching you walk out of the room.

"have a good day." you left the room thinking that your brothers were following behind you, not knowing that no one else stepped out of that room except you. "didn't knew you had a sister." Mitsuya glared at the brothers who was only giving him lazy smiles. "yeah, she was only mostly known inside Roppongi, other than that, we don't really let people know of Y/n's existence for her own safety. You understand, you have sisters."

"how did you know i have sisters?" Mitsuya felt scared for a moment when her sisters was brought up by someone who's most likely a dangerous criminal. "From Mikey." Ran grinned. "Mikey?! He's with you?!"

"yeah, we're not allowed to say anything but, let's just say we were told to hire you for Reina's company." Mitsuya was speechless with so many questions.

He was very overwhelmed with emotions by the mention of his lost friend. "who's Reina?" Mitsuya felt stuoid by the fact that it was the only question he mustered up to say. "Reina is Y/n's nickname."

"And Akashi is... ?" Mitsuya trailed off.   "not that's it's your business but that's her last new last name now that she's married. I think you know his husband is."

the youngest male looked at the Haitani brothers with such confusion in his face as they talk with him with such a playful venom. "no, i never met an Akashi my whole entire life- okay can i ask why im here? Are you planning on-"

He was cut off by a laughing Ran that earned a question look from the younger male "oh, you might know him by Sanzu, Sanzu Haruchiyo. Y'know... The one that always follows your fifth division captain around?"

"eh? You mean the fifth division vice captain?" Mitsuya asked in shock, he wouldn't expect that the dude he couldn't handle once married such an elegant looking woman. "who would've thought." was the only thing he said in disbelief..

"i know right? Her husband is such a jerk, cheating on her every night and all." Rindo chuckle that earned a smack from Ran on his shoulder that followed by a shushing noise.

Mitsuya looked at the brothers in amusement to see them like this. Because everytime Mitsuya see the brothers it's either he watches and admires them from afar or their as his enemies. "yeah, there's that, and im sure they wouldn't last another year and you're a good guy."

"where are you getting at?" Mitsuya asked while Rindo asked the same question with his eyes. "im just saying... I wouldn't mind much if you made a move on my sister." Mitsuya's face flushed at Ran's statement. Sure you were beautiful, hot even but he didn't really thought of it that way.

And is he telling him to make a move on you? The Haitani brother's sister? A married woman? Do they dislike Sanzu that much?

And just about he was to say another word, you barge in the room with a flustered face. "Aniki! Nii-san! What the fuck?! I thought you two were following behind me?!" you said while panting from running on stilettos in the hallway when you realised your brothers weren't behind you.

"Reina~♡ sorry we were just catching up, y'know how it is. Anyway, bye bye Takashi-kun♡. Rin lets go and eat lunch." Ran chimed, pulling you and Rindo out of the room, leaving a confused Mitsuya alone in the room.

"you guys look closed." you said to your older brothers that only give you a playful smile. "more or less."

"the fuck does that mean?"

"he's more acquainted to boss more than us but yeah, we have some history."

"again, what the fuck does that mean!" (╬≖_≖)

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