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Despite the hangover and the time you all went to sleep, needless to say everyone woke up at 8 in the morning when Rindo suddenly fell down the bed with a loud thud followed by a groan that  woke everyone up, so here they are, with the two brothers in the kitchen cooking breakfast that fits for hangovers and you who has been in the bathroom for nearly one and a half hour.

And when the two of them was finished cooking and just fixing the table, they heard the door bell ring. So Ran came to the door, looking through the peep whole to see Kokonoi.

He opened the door the let the younger male in, "you look like shit." Koko commented on the obviously hangovered Ran. "i know, 'was up till mid night drinking with Rindo and Reina."

"Y/n's here?" Koko asked, freezing mid way of taking his shoes off. Shit, i didn't get ready

Ran laughed, patting the obviously flushed Koko. "you came here for the files right? Wait in the couch, I'll go look for it, feel free to eat anything if you like." Koko nodded. "oh, Rindo, where are you going? Reina will be down any minute." Ran asked when he saw his younger brother who was about to go up the stairs

"yeah, im gonna use the bathroom." he yawned, Rindo was still half asleep until now, he almost cause a fire because of it. Ran can only think that his siblings wouldn't survive without him. Especially Rindo who still hasn't learned independence because he wouldn't leave Ran's side, unlike you who dedicated yourself to learn how to do chores perfectly all on your own when you got married to Haruchiyo

"just wait here." Koko nodded, looking at the oldest Haitiani run up the stairs. And just as Ran was out of sight, you came down. "oh, Hajime kun, what brings you here?" you asked, an hair brush in hand that you run through your perfectly cared long hair that you dyed in the colour of red. You had the colour for a while but it still haven't faded, though the roots are growing back.

"Y/n, i came here to pick up some files." you nodded, a few men sometimes would also knock on your door early in the morning to ask for a file from Sanzu, it would either an executive or someone under them. You just don't get it why they would sometimes come so early in the morning, sometimes even in the middle of the night. "then why don't you join us for breakfast?" following you to the dining table, he shaked his head no, "thanks, but i already have breakfast before coming here." he said, besides, he's on a rush

"i see, then feel free to take anything if you like." you said, mindlessly making a coffee for yourself that was extremely sweet, just how you wanted it.

"you look really lively, today." He smiled sitting across from across you. "did anything happened?" he asked, noticing how much softer you look today than yesterday

"nothing in particular." you raised an eyebrow at him, you didn't know what he meant by that, to be honest.

"well, i hope to see you more like this." you only smile at him, because again, you didn't know what he meant by looking different or...Livelier today. You used the same products that you always use.

"Kokonoi, here's the files you needed, Complete with mine and Rindo's stamp." Ran came in, putting a single blue file in front of Kokonoi. Opening it and checking it, he nodded. "yup, it's all good. Then i better get going, i need to release this as soon as possible."

"then I'll see him out," you stood up, Koko only nodded, standing up and head to the front door with you following him. "Y/n, y'know, if you'd look this...blooming in this place, why not stay here or visit your brothers more often?"

You only smiled at him. Blooming? People still use that word? "yeah, I'll try."

He's right though, you feel happier with your brothers near you.

He gave you a warm smile, tucking a stray hair behind your ear, then giving you a kiss on your cheek that suprised you. "the heck, you weren't this bold when you were suiting me, why now that I'm married." Koko chuckle at your teasing and your face that obviously was not even flustered by any chance. "yeah, and I'm regretting it."

You stayed silent, not knowing what to say to that, "then, see you around, Reina."

You sighed as you watched him walk out of the door.

"looks like someone is starting to make a move." you flinched when you heard Rindo behind you that seem like he came out of nowhere. "i feel bad for him."

Walking to the dining erea where Ran was waiting, you sat next to Ran who was smiling at you weirdly, and you already know what he wants to say. "say it."

"what? That you can't stay with your husband forever and you need to find another man who would treat like how you deserve?" you rolled your eyes, releasing a sigh. "i get it. Now can we just please eat and go?" you whined childishly

Your brothers only looked you in pity. "you're an idiot."Rindo sighed

" yup... An idiot indeed."

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