162. Hailee's Q&A [Insta Live]

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(A/N: Hailee's outfit while she's answering your guy's questions on Instagram live!)


How do you deal with such a public relationship?
Well it's difficult. Since Flo and I went public with our relationships we've dealt with alot of people, the media, making up assumptions and rumors..and it's damaging. It's hard when you have people bashing the person you love the most thinking they know everything about our relationship just because we decide to share it with you guys. We absolutely love sharing our love with you guys and for the most part, you all are the best fans and are the loveliest people but there's that small percentage that just doesn't get it. It's important for Flo and I to take mini breaks from social media here and there. If you guys remember that period of time when Flo and I disappeared..that was one of the best times we had together. It was an opportunity to just be with each other with no external worries. And since then, we make sure to leave time for just us.

Are you getting married to flo and have you ever thought about it?
What are with all these marriage questions, guys? Nope we're not getting married, no ring here, but have I thought about it? Yes.

When was the moment you fell in love with flo?
I realized when I saw her standing in my driveway a few moments before she confessed she felt the same way about me. That was a day I will never forget.

How are you friends with every celebrity in mankind?
*laughs* that's a bit of an exaggeration, no? I'm not friends with a bunch of celebrities. I sometimes forget we're like.."celebrities" We're normal people guys! And I've just worked with alot of people especially being a child actor in this industry, I've had the opportunity to meet some pretty amazing people.

When are you going to ask Florence to marry you?
And why do you assume I'm going to be the one asking? *wink and laughs*

This question is a little strange if you were in your last days of your life, what are the things you would do?
Spend those last days with the people I love. Tell them I love them. My family. Mom, dad, Griffin. Flo, Lizzie, Scarlett, all of my close friends. There's nowhere I'd rather be than to be with those people.

How do you like being called by flo?
My love, or maybe baby. It's cliche but you don't understand how that word sounds with Flo's accent. Don't get me started on her accent

What's your biggest fear?
Letting people down

Who's the big spoon?
Me duh
*Florence yelling that's not always the case in the background*

How was the process of writing FloW?
It was actually one of the smoothest writing processes I've ever had. The lyrics just came to me and I have my muse to thank for that. *love you flo*

First impression meeting Lizzie?
Ah so Lizzie was the first 'Avenger' I met, you know besides Jeremy, and I freaked out. I will be honestly, I was a huge fan of hers and I was starstruck. She was so sweet and have the warmest hugs in the world. It was so easy to just talk to her. And now..we're best friends *laughs* I love Lizzie so so much. The best, best friend, ever.

Who's more affectionate in the relationship?
I feel like we both are to be honest. Some days one of us more than the others. But yeah, I think both of us are pretty affectionate. We can't get our hands off each other I guess *winks*

Who's a top in the relationship?
What's a top? *laughs* Just kidding, I'm not answering that guys! You nasties.

When are ya'll getting married?
Another married question? I already answered this but I don't know. Yes, I want to marry Florence, I love her. When the time is right, it'll happen

What are you and Flo's nicknames to each other?
I call Flo well..flo, babe, love
Flo calls me hails, darling, baby, bubs, she calls me steinfeld when she's trying to get my attention

How and why are all your character's gay?
Oh, are they? *laughs* I only play character's that are interesting so I guess the gays are the non-boring coolest characters

Fav marvel movie/series without flo in it?
hm that's a hard one..for movie I'm going to say Black Panther. I could watch that all day! It's so good. For show without a doubt Wandavision. Lizzie is phenomenal and I wasn't kidding when I said I was a huge fan of hers and I still am! Love ya Lizzie bear. Also fair shoutout to Daredevil. I've been watching it with Flo and we are obsessed.

Favorite song in the FloW album?
Ah that's hard. All of those songs are my absolute babies. I guess if I have to pick, it would be 'Nothing'.

Top 5 fav marvel characters?
Hm this is so difficult. They're all awesome. Okay this is going to sound biased but my number one is Wanda Maximoff. She is the most interesting mcu character hands down. Then iron man, black widow, valkyrie, and thor! I didn't say Kate or Yelena because I felt that was too biased *laughs*

How are Lizzie and Scarlett doing?
They're doing great! Stronger than ever. I love those two so much.

Did you expect Hawkeye S2 to come out?
Honesty? No. I really didn't. That's something Lizzie and I have in common, we kind of expect everything we're in to..fail. But the first season, everyone loved it, and one day Kevin called me that S2 is happening. And it was so fun to film. Having Tom, Lizzie, and Scar on set with us highlighted one of the reasons why I love my job. I get to work with my best friends, what more can I want?

Who's the better cook? Lizzie or Flo?
You are trying to get me in trouble so I am not going to answer that *laughs* Moving on..

Everyone is saying you were the one who played matchmaker for zauren? Is that true?
Wait people have been talking about that? I love that. Yes, I am the matchmaker. I introduced them to each other and sometimes I regret it because they are one of the two hottest people and..*laughs* Flo and I were actually talking about this recently, they're going to have the most beautiful children- NOT THAT LAUREN'S PREGNANT oh god- Lauren's going to kill me, I didn't mean it like that. Okay, I'm going to stop talking about this now.

If you could go back to a time this year, when would that be?
Hawaii. When Flo and I went to Hawaii and then Scarlett and Lizzie met us there. It was an amazing vacation. We should go back actually..adding that to my list of things to do this year.

Have you seen all of Flo's movies? If so, which one is your favorite?
Yes, I have! Hm..my favorite? Midsommar was really good. Flo did amazing, she always does, but that movie..she makes it look so easy. But I think I'm going to have to say Little Women. Classic.

What is a fav song of yours? And what song would you use to describes yours and Flo's relationship?
My favorite song..that's tough. I'm going to say one that's not 'Nothing' because I said that earlier so I'm going to go with Capital Letters. Also, speaking of, the music video for that song was, is, my favorite music video I've made. And if you haven't watched that music video yet, you should go do that *winks* And for the next question can I say all the songs on 'FloW'? I mean it's all about my girlfriend. *laughs*

Would you ever have kids?
Woah asking the big questions..I love kids. I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, but it's definitely too early for the kids talk, but way in the future..who knows what may happen?

Would you ever consider being in a horror/thriller movie?
Yes! I keep telling my agent that I want to work in a horror/thriller movie. So if anyone's listening out there that can make that happen...I'm here

(A/N: If you guys have more questions for Florence, PLEASE PLEASE comment here! Hailee had the most questions and if you want Flo's to have just as much, ya'll should comment some here or you will be receiving a short chapter next!)

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