37. Frozen [Real Life]

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Florence's POV

I froze. I couldn't respond. Hearing Hailee confess her feelings for me felt like a blissful dream. Was this real? Was I imagining things? My thoughts were going wild. I can't believe Hailee likes me back! She wanted to be with me!

By the time I focused back to the girl, Hailee was rushing away wanting to get as far away as possible. I panicked realizing my mistake. Did I really just freeze?

I stood up quickly, threw my drink away, and went after the girl. When she got outside however, she couldn't find the brunette anywhere. Where could she have gone? What the fuck?

I sighed in frustration and worry. I drove her here how is she getting back? As I was about pull out to call Hailee, my phone dinged. It was her. Telling me she was okay and not to worry.

I sighed in relief at that but didn't feel any better. She thinks I'm still with Zach and that I don't feel the same way.

"Fuck fuck fuck" I repeated grabbing the hat from my head so I can run my hand down my hair.

I made one quick decision and headed back into my car. Deciding it's best to trust Hailee's word of being okay and to avoid getting on her bad side even more I drove away to head to Scarlett's.

*A few moments later*

No One's POV

Scarlett's house

"You're back already? Shouldn't you be in bed with Hailee" Scarlett joked smiling but it faltered when she came across a panicked looking Flo.

"What did you do?" Scarlett put a hand on her hip with a judgmental stare,

"I froze" Florence blurted out nervously.

"You..froze?" Scarlett questioned

"She told me she liked me back! And when she said that I couldn't believe it was all real. Hailee likes me back And-" Florence excitely rambles before stopping suddenly, "And I froze." Florence groans loudly before sinking down to the floor.

"You're an idiot" Scarlett finally lets out and stares at the girl with no pity.

"I know" Florence replied but it came out muffled since she was covering her face

"Yeah and you're an idiot because you're here and not trying to chase her down and tell her" Scarlett gave the girl an incredulous look.

"I-I maybe she needed space and I didn't want to ru-" Florence protested before getting cut off,

"Yeah space if you didn't feel the same way! Which that is not the case, YOU LIKE HER BACK GO TELL HER FLORENCE" Scarlett yelled making Florence flinch before nodding frantically,

"You're right. Thank you Scarr. LOVE YOU" Florence yelled before scrambling off the floor and heading out once again.

What would she do without me, Scarlett thought chuckling to herself.

No One's POV

*Arriving at Hailee's house*

Florence turned off the engine of the car as she got to Hailee's house. She sighed and looked at clock, it was almost 10pm. Nervous to finally clear things up with Hailee, she climbed out of the car and started to pace,

"You got this Flo. Just tell her you have feelings for her to and you can finally be able to kiss the girl. C'mon Flo" Florence nervously talks to herself, trying to gather the motivation to walk up to the front door. Her adrenaline was now pumping giving her the courage to walk up. As she made her way, she finally realized that Lizzie's car was in the driveway, meaning Lizzie was there too.

Oh that makes sense. She probably called Lizzie to pick her up. Florence winces knowing that both Scarlett and now Lizzie know about her freezing situation.

Slowly Florence made her to the front of the door and was getting ready to knock. Something stopped her however, and she noticed the window next to the door had exposed part of the living room and it seemed to show two blurry blobs there.

Curiously, Florence took a look. What she saw was unexpected. From what she can tell, Hailee was sitting on the armchair, sitting criss cross while Lizzie had her arms on each couch basically trapping Hailee. Lizzie was leaning closely as well so there was barely any distance between the two girls. Lizzie then took one hand off of the armchair and placed it on Hailee's check before leaning in. From what Florence can see, they looked like they were about to kiss.

Before Florence can witness anything more she quickly looked away and blinked her tears away.

Hailee and Lizzie? Aren't they best friends? Lizzie's dating Scarlett?! I have to tell Scarlett. Florence thought to herself as she quickly made her way back to the car.

Florence let out a gasp when what she thought she saw sunk in, it hurt seeing Hailee with someone else. Pain shot through her chest, and she let out a wrangling sob. A burst of anger at Lizzie for what she saw, and thinking of Scarlett and what she may think about the situation made her even angrier.

Before she knew it, she was back at Scarlett's house, where she was staying and quickly entered the house. She has to tell Scarlett what she saw. However once she realized it was scarily silent in the house, she realized the time, almost midnight. It was late. Scarlett was asleep.

Florence groaned debating whether to wake up Scarlett and tell her or wait in the morning. A few minutes later Florence makes her way into her temporary room.

This may break Scarlett, and knowing her she won't sleep for days, so it's best if Scarlett gets as much sleep now Florence thought thinking it was the best plan of action.

That night Florence was the one who couldn't sleep, all she could think about was what she saw a few hours ago at Hailee's house.

(A/N: Yo Hailee and Lizzie 👀)

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