15. Talking [Real Life]

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Third Person POV

[the conversation Hailee and Lizzie had the night of Chapter 14]

"So real talk Hail" Lizzie plops down right next to Hailee, "What's going on between you and Florence?"

"E-Excuse me what?" Hailee spluttered with wide eyes. Lizzie tilted her head to the right slightly as she smiled. The older girl reached for Hailee's hand and held it in her grasp.

"There's obviously something going on between you two. I've seen your interactions on Instagram, and Scar actually thought you guys had something going on that one time you went to meet her." Lizzie points out with a knowing look

"Scarlett told you that? Why would she tell you that-"

"Scarlett tells me everything."

"Clearly not everything if ya'll aren't together yet" Hailee mumbled under her breath making sure Lizzie wasn't able to fully comprehend her words.

"What did you say? You know what, it doesn't matter. Stop trying to change the subject. You know you can talk to me right?"

Hailee sighs and looks down and fiddles with her interlocked fingers with Lizzie. It was a nervous habit of hers to play with her hands.

"There's nothing going on"

"Hails" Lizzie sighed and leaned on the couch.

"I'm serious. There's literally nothing going on. We're just friends." Hailee avoids contact with the other and looks at the television that's been left playing 'Grey's Anatomy'.

"But you want to be more?"

Hailee's head snapped so fast to look at Lizzie. With a shaky gulp she answers,

"I think so."

Lizzie nods gently and stays silent for awhile. Before she could talk, Hailee opens her mouth again,

"I haven't been with anyone in forever. It's been. so long. The last time was.." Hailee trailed before looking up blinking tears away, "was with Niall. And that didn't end up well. "

Lizzie gives. a look of understanding before replying, "Niall didn't deserve you. You deserve the absolute world babygirl."

Hailee let out a watery chuckle before smiling back at the girl, "I feel like I've known you forever, I'm surprised at how easy it is for me to open up to you. But I'm over Niall. I've been over him forever. It's just that..I haven't felt any..feelings for anyone in so long."

Hailee sits up and turns her full attention to Lizzie, "And then all of a sudden she was there. On set. and she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Have you ever experienced that?"

Lizzie seemed lost in her own thoughts after hearing Hailee say that before she could stop herself she said, "Yeah, yeah I have."

Hailee tilted her head in question at the response but shook it off. She can bring it up later.

"..She was so captivating, and the way she carried herself..Did I mention she's hilarious? I could talk to her for ages and never get bored."

Hailee stops suddenly before making eye contact with Lizzie who was smiling softly.

"I like Florence."

Lizzie sighed and nodded, "yeah you do babes."

"What am I gonna do?" Hailee whined before putting her head in her hands.

"Well.." Lizzie started off looking at the girl before moving her so that Hailee's head was on her lap, this way it was easy access to play with the girl's long hair, "how about..you tell her?"

"God" Hailee groaned, "I thought you were going to be better at giving advice."

Lizzie smacks Hailee lightly on the arm, "I'm serious. There's no way that girl doesn't feel the same way."

"But what if she doesn't? I mean she's a naturally flirty, charming person!  What tells you I'm different?"

"You're Hailee fucking Steinfeld. Who wouldn't like you?" Lizzie deadpanned

"Did you just curse Miss Olsen?" Hailee joked before stopping after getting hit again by the other.

"Will you at least tell her maybe not now..but eventually?"

Silence filled the air for a few minutes with Lizzie's hand mindlessly playing with Hailee's hair.

"I'll tell her one day." Hailee sighs, slightly regretting her decision already.

"Good. Now let's continue watching the show, we're missing the best part." Lizzie leaves the conversation there making the other girl very grateful, not only for the change in the subject but for having a friend like Lizzie.


(A/N: Omg the first irl chapter? this is crazyyyy. I actually have like 10 chapters awaiting to be published and I just decide to post them one by one whenever I feel like it haha)

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