17. Flo and Hailee [Real Life]

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A/N: This one is longer than usual so enjoy :3

And for my Scarlizzie shippers, have some Scarlizzie background info 🙊


No One's POV

"ANDD THAT'S A WRAP GUYS! GOOD JOB EVERYONE! GREAT WORK! I would like to thank all the cast and crew..."

Hailee claps enthusiastically and looks around at all the proud faces of everyone who poured blood, sweat, and tears into this show. They just wrapped up the finals scene of Hawkeye and it was all coming to a bittersweet ending.

"..Renner, Hailee Steinfeld, and our special appearance Florence Pugh! Let's give them a hand" The director points at the trio who were all standing near each other. Jeremy was in the middle of the girls as he put his arms around them and gave them a big fatherly hug.

Hailee playfully glared before giving Jeremy a hug back. The original Hawkeye let go before walking away to talk with the rest of the crew. It was just Hailee and Florence. The latter giving the 'Pitch Perfect' actress a huge smile before exclaiming,

"Now just because this is over does not mean you won't see me again Miss Steinfeld" Florence quirked smirking slightly.

"Oh is Florence admitting she wants to hang out with me after all this? Miss Pugh enjoys my company" Hailee sings playfully. Florence huffs before smiling once again,

"So we'll hang out after all of this over still, yeah?"

"I would love to."


Hailee's POV

I came back to reality after thinking about the conversation I had with Florence after Hawkeye was over. That was almost a month ago and we were true to the word. Since then after all the interviews, we've been hanging out with each other at least 4 times a week. Most of the time we stay at my house and watch some tv. Sometimes even cook because I learned that Florence is actually a great cook. Me on the other hand..not so much.

I sigh happily thinking about the time Florence and I were eating the freshly made Spaghetti she cooked. I finished eating my portion and unknowingly was longingly looking at Florence's plate unconsciously wanting more. Without any exchanged words, Florence took the rest of her noodles and plopped it on my plate.

What? I love spaghetti.

Speaking of the devil


From: Florence 💚

@FlorencePugh: Hey Hailllllll can we meet up?

@HaileeSteinfeld: Hiii Flooooo, yeah of course! Same time? My Place?

@FlorencePugh: Actually let's go out to this new place I heard of! Apparently, it's really good and it's on the down low so we don't have to worry about any paparazzi

@HaileeSteinfeld: Yeah sure, sounds good. Tomorrow at 5pm good?

@FlorencePugh: Sounds good, I'll send you the address

@HaileeSteinfeld: okay see you tomorrow Flo!


No One's POV

"You would think you would put your phone down when you're with someone who's trying to have a conversation with you"  A voice sarcastically broke Hailee out of her own world. Hailee looked up and stared at the other girl.

"Like you would ignore Scarlett if she texted you right now." Hailee challenged not breaking eye contact

Lizzie sighed but didn't say anything.

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