18. Moving on [Real Life]

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A/N: This is a continuation from last chapter!



" I don't know why I never thought to think if she was even single." Was the first thing Hailee said as she walked through Lizzie's front door.

"I questioned if she even liked girls but I never even thought to question if she was already taken? I should've known. A girl like her wouldn't be single." Hailee mumbled into the pillow after throwing herself down the couch miserably.

Lizzie had a surprised look on her face at the news. "Wait Florence has a boyfriend. Since when?"

Hailee shrugged, "I didn't ask. I kind of left right away after she mentioned him" she sheepishly admitted. Lizzie chuckled not surprised. She doesn't blame the girl for wanting to get away.

"Hold on. I'm curious now we're looking this guy up." Lizzie goes to get her phone before plopping herself right next to the miserable-looking girl.

"She's dating..Zach Braff?" Lizzie loudly gasps

"Who the fuck even is that?" Hailee questions not understanding

"He's like a filmmaker and he acts in some stuff.." Lizzie draws out. Hailee furrows her eyebrows because she can tell there's more to it.

"What? Is he like smokingly hot?" Hailee joked weakly

"He's like 20+ years older than Florence" Lizzie finally says

Hailee sits up and looks at Lizzie.

"You're not serious."

"Sadly I am" Lizzie says. The two share a look of silence before bursting out in laughter.

"What the fuck?" Hailee exclaims not being able to stop herself.

"Florence is old enough to make her decisions obviously but why?" Lizzie stifles a laugh before scrolling to grab more information on the pair, "apparently they've been together for like 2 years now actually. They're private people so it's probably why we haven't heard of them together"

Hailee's chuckle die after finding out the surprising news before everything else starts to settle in. "I guess she must really love him if they've been together for 2 years already. I told you Florence was a really charming flirty person. I knew I wasn't anyone special" Hailee half jokes half serious trying to mask her pain.

"No Hailee look" Lizzie huffs, "I was serious about that. There's no way she doesn't feel the same or even just a little something for you. Even if she doesn't realize."

Hailee gives the girl a look before shaking her head. "Okay well it doesn't matter. She's in a relationship. and has been for 2 years. It doesn't matter who it's with. This Zach guy no matter how much I don't understand what she would even see in him" Hailee mumbles the last part under her breath but Lizzie catches it and snorts, "she's taken and I'm not going to try with someone who is already taken. I'm not that kind of person."

Hailee takes a deep breath before looking at the ceiling.

"So what are you gonna do?" Lizzie asks curiously.

"I think it's best if I keep my distance from Florence. I can't be around her, hanging out with her four times a week, knowing I have absolutely no chance with her. I need to get over these stupid feelings before they grow more" Hailee thinks out loud

Lizzie nods at her words understandingly, "You think you can stay away from Florence?"

"No. But I have no choice. I need to move on" Hailee looks at Lizzie who smiles sympathetically.

"You and me both seem to have no chance with the ones we want huh?" Lizzie jokingly says

"Yay us" Hailee cheers fakely before pulling Lizzie into her arms to cuddle.

"We'll be fine Lizzie." Hailee reassures the other making the other girl sigh but nod at the girls claim anyway.


A/N: thank you guys for all the comments on the last chapter! it really motivated me to post this little bit for you guys :3 i love reading your guys reactions and i hope you guys continue to comment, lemme know how you're feelinggg

I personally love spam comments so feel free to haha, same goes for the rest of the story, the more interactions, the quicker the updates ;)

stay safe and stay hydrated loves <3

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