13 | Aftershocks

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It took Jane and Andwen over two weeks to regain their strength, and even then, they were not fit to return to duty. They mourned the loss of their companion and brother, relying on each other to survive the drastic change in their lives. When they began to recover, Jane sent word to their commanding officer about what they had been through, Kymil's death, and their recovery. Three days later, healers escorted by soldiers showed up at the door.

The head healer, Joshan, took a long time looking over Andwen. He was an older man with thin, sparse white hair that hung over his eyes. A permanent crease made its home between his eyebrows. He licked his lips, examining Andwen's eyes. Jane stood nearby, anxiously awaiting her own examination.

With a grunt and a shake of his head, he turned away from them both. Speaking to one of the commanders in a low voice, he motioned a hand in their direction vaguely.

Jane and Andwen exchanged a worried glance before Jane spoke. "Well?"

The soldier nodded, then headed for the door. Joshan sighed. "This disease is a curious one. It attacks some more harshly than others." He leaned against a chair, frowning at Andwen. "I don't have many answers as this is the first time I've encountered such a disease. But I can tell you that you both need to be careful. We don't know what the long-term effects of this disease could be, though I have some theories."

Andwen shifted in his seat. "Which are?"

"A weakening of the body in general, susceptible to more illnesses than before, and possibly even long-term underlying health conditions." Joshan shook his head as he wiped his hands off with a wet rag. Pursing his lips, he breathed in deeply. "I'm afraid, sir, that you won't be able to return to duty."

Jane's heart sank.

"What?" Andwen blinked. "Well...for how long? How long until I can go back?"

The doctor sighed and glanced over to Jane. Her throat tightened as she felt tears begin to form. She covered her mouth with her hand. Oh, my gods. Leaning against Andwen, she wrapped her arms around him slowly as he began to shake.

"I'm so sorry." Joshan dipped his head in respect.

Andwen's whole body began to shake. He gripped his knees until his knuckles turned white. Pushing Jane away, he stormed out of the room, using furniture as support on his way. Jane pressed her hands together, eyes squeezed shut.

"My dear." Joshan's soft voice pulled her out of her mind. "Please sit. Allow me to examine you. I don't think your friend will make it very far."

Taking a couple of deep breaths to calm herself, she emptied her mind and sat in front of the healer. He pulled up his chair and began to carefully examine her. Looking inside her mouth, her nose, and her ears. He studied her hands, listened to her chest, and muttered a few words under his breath. She could feel some magical effect washing over her.

"No need to worry," he explained as he closed his eyes while he held her hands. "It allows me to learn about your inner being and know if everything is all right."

She hummed and twitched as warmth filled her chest and stomach. Joshan released her hands. "All is well, my dear. Now allow me to look at your eyes and we will be done."

He pulled out a strange-looking metal device with glass lenses and odd points. "Hold still. This will not take long."

"Okay." She stared out beyond his shoulder as he brought the device close to her face.

Joshan looked through the device for a few moments, adjusting dials and nobs on it. He made a noise that sounded concerning. It made Jane freeze in place. He moved over to her other eye. Again, he adjusted the dials and then made the same sound.

Pulling away, he stared down at the device in his hands. Then he looked up at her and there was pity within his eyes.

It wasn't good. She knew that much. "Just tell me."

"There isn't much to be concerned about right now," he began slowly. "However, I do see some damage that could be concerning in the future if it continues to worsen."

"What would that look like exactly? So I know what to look for."

"Blurry vision. Pain in the eyes or around the eyes." Joshan leaned back in his seat. "My concern is complete vision loss, but that is the worst-case scenario. It's just something to keep an eye on."

"Will I be able to return to duty?"

Rising to his feet, Joshan began to gather his items. "Yes, you will be. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. My healers and I will begin to work on trying to figure out something to help this. Hopefully, your friend will be okay."

She glanced over to the door. "I'm sure he will be. He's got a good support system. Thank you for your services."

Jane remained in her seat while the soldiers and the healers shuffled out of the cabin. All was quiet and she reveled in it. Then, her thoughts began to swirl with everything she needed to do. Andwen wouldn't be able to return to work. No work meant no income which meant Andwen would need a means of supporting himself. He already owned a house, so she didn't need to worry about finding him a place to stay. He was good with a knife, though. She didn't like the idea, but perhaps her family would take him in and provide him with a job in the butchery.

She would be able to return to duty and that meant a lot. She'd be able to support herself and continue to support her family, though they were doing quite well nowadays. There was still concern about the disease, though. It had taken out her village and now another one, not including the countless others they may not know about. It had touched her own loved ones. It didn't seem like anyone cared about it, but now it was reaching its nasty fingers into the world.

Would it continue to spread? Who else would it affect?


Blinking her dry eyes, she turned around and found Andwen in the room with her. She offered him a small smile as she rose to her feet.

"Hey, you okay?"

His gaze dropped to the floor and he seemed to get lost within his own head for a few moments before finally nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. It's been a rough few weeks, you know? I don't feel my best."

"That's understandable." Jane quickly nodded, rubbing her hands together. "I have a plan."

A hint of a smile quirked his lips. "That's never a good thing."

It felt safe enough to roll her eyes. "Since you cannot go back to base, I was thinking perhaps you could temporarily get a job with my family. I know it's nothing you want to do, but it would at least bring in steady money until you can get your feet back under you."

Andwen's face contorted with reluctance. "You don't...I couldn't."

"Nonsense." She waved him off with a nervous laugh. "It's the least I can offer. My family loves you and it wouldn't be any trouble."

He stared at her for a long moment, somber and quiet. He opened his mouth and then shut it. After a couple more moments, his shoulders dropped in resignation. "I'm sorry."

Jane frowned. "About what?"

"Kymil." When she didn't respond right away, he continued with a sad smile. "I knew about you two. I know you both tried to keep it quiet, but come on. He's my twin. He can't hide everything from me and I saw the way he looked at you. It wasn't that much of a secret."

Her eyes slid shut. Throat tightening with unbidden tears, she forced herself to take long, deep breaths. She hadn't been ready for this conversation yet. Lips quivering, Jane laughed bitterly. "I'm sorry, too."

Clicking his tongue, he took the time to cross the room and swept her into a tight hug. Shushing her, he rocked them both back and forth as they both mourned their loss. She clung to him, face buried in his chest as she sobbed.

Whatever happened after this, she knew one thing for certain. Andwen would be taken care of.

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