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 I finished this much sooner than I had thought I would, though I was trying to get it done before May 27th.

As you may all know if you read the intro of this story, the title for this book was inspired by the song "Stay with Me" by Miki Matsuraba.  Which by the way is a really good song.

And the plot of it was mainly from an experience of mine. And I'll go a little into that in a bit.

This friend of mine, I'll call her JTK, her initials, we had been friends for six years. We met in the first year of middle school, and friends all the way until high school graduation.

I don't know how your school years are set in where you all live, but for me there's obviously kindergarten, then elementary which is five years (first grade to fifth grade), then middle school (sixth grade, to eighth grade) and finally high school (ninth to twelfth grade) though in high school, the years are said differently they are said as (freshmen (ninth), sophomore (tenth), junior (eleventh) and senior (twelfth).)

She died May 27th in a car accident, it was five days after her birthday, and it was just three or two days after graduation if I remember well.

It hit me so hard when I heard the news of her death, I honestly didn't want to believe it, I was in complete denial of it, even though the proof was right in front of me.

I had nightmares relating to her. Though the one that scared me the most was the last dream, and it was that dream that just made me not sleep at all.

In that dream, just like Yuuji was with Junpei in this dream of his, I was standing on the side of a road at night, and headlights were seen coming in my directions, then all of a sudden, the car rolled onto a field and landed on the roof of the car.

I was standing next to the car now, I could see her hanging upside down her seatbelt still on, blood all over her. I saw her struggling to breathe, trying to find her phone.  She was crying, and trying to call out for help.

I wanted to move, but I couldn't move at all. I wanted to talk to her, to tell her that everything was going to be okay, that I was there. I wanted to get her phone and call for help, but I couldn't. I was crying so much, and wanted to yell for someone to come help, but couldn't. And then I saw her take one final gasp and she died.

And after that I didn't sleep, it took me a couple of months to really be able to sleep. I was able to sleep only two hours during the day at most.

Aside from not sleeping, I hardly ate and got sick from that, and the depression I went into was just so lonely and horrible.


Anyways, that's how I got the idea for this story. And in a way I wanted to type up this story in memory of her I guess.

I still miss her so much to this day, along with another friend who died the following year after her. And it still hurts very much when I think of it.  I can still remember her smile.  She was such a wonderful person, always smiling.  Man, I'm crying just remembering her.  Maybe because her anniversary is coming up in a few days.

Hold your friends and family close, you'll end up regretting not being able to have spoken to them after they're gone.

Anyways, last sign off for this story.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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