Chapter 4: Stay with Me II

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I think there will be only one more chapter after this, not sure yet.  But for sure it's pretty close to finished now.



At seeing his three students stuck to each, more specifically never really leaving Yuuji alone, Gojo found it odd.

"So, what's going on here?" Gojo had asked once he had come back from his mission two days later hoping to find his "enthusiastic" students waiting for him, but only found his students basically glued to each other.

"Nothing." Fushiguro answered.

Kugisaki nodded, "Yep.  Just some friendship quality time." She added.

"Okay." Gojo responded not really believing them.  He looked at each of his students one by one.

Yuuji reached up to scratch his cheek, "It's really...." Sukuna's voice cut him off.

"Your poor baby can't even sleep alone anymore." It mocked.

Yuuji slapped his hand onto his cheek hard enough that it resounded around them all.

"Can't even handle a few nightmares on his own." His voice now came from the hand that was on the cheek.

Gojo's eyebrow rose under his blindfold.  He reached up for the edge of the blindfold and rose it showing one blue eye, "Nightmares?"

Yuuji sighed, "It's just that I had been having some nightmares before.  And well, Fushiguro and Kugisaki helped me a lot with that." He said giving a thankful smile to his two friends, "I guess it's like a sleep over."

He placed his blindfold back in place and placed his hands on either side of his face, "Oh, should I join this sleep over too!"

Fushiguro and Kugisaki blanched at the thought of having Gojo with them, it didn't seem very nice to them.

1. He most likely wouldn't keep quiet.

2. He would probably want to hog up the whole bed and make both Fushiguro and Kugisaki sleep on the floor while he slept on the bed.

3. Or to annoy them all, he would try to sing them to sleep or tell them a bedtime story.

Just as the two of them were about to reject his offer, Yuuji beat them to it smiled and ....

"That sounds like it would be fun!" Yuuji responded.

.... seemed all too excited unlike the other two.

"Right." Gojo laughed.

Before anymore plans could be made, Kugisaki quickly interjected, "There's no space for you.  There's only enough space for the three of us." Fushiguro quickly agreed to her declaration hoping that Gojo would change his mind, but he highly doubted it.

Gojo tapped his chin and placed the other hand in his pocket and "thought" for a few seconds, "Hope about having a nice camping here in the lounge."

Neither could come up with something to refute against that.  Because there was enough space in the lounge, and ultimately it was mostly up to Yuuji and what he wanted to do.

They both knew the answer, so they resigned to the idea of just being the three of them, and now made plans in where exactly they should sleep.

Yuuji nodded, "That's a pretty good idea."

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