Chapter 5: Unexpected

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I think this will be the last chapter or maybe there may be another chapter.  I'm not sure, but this should be pretty much it.  I think?

So, what have you all thought of it so far?

Anyways, sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.



For the past week the three of them have been sleeping together, occasionally four with Gojo, but it was mostly Fushiguro and Kugisaki with Yuuji.  Though at times depending on what was happening, or if there were certain missions for either of them, it would be just one of them with Yuuji.

But hardly would Yuuji be alone.

But that all changed on these particular days.

All three of them were being sent on a mission, though all on different days and with different people.  So, all of them will be separated from each other, meaning that they would be on their own.

The first one to leave was Fushiguro, nothing to worry considering that Kugisaki was there, but then the following day she followed along and left as well.

Each of them leaving with one of the second years.  Fushiguro with Toge, Kukisaki with Maki.  And lastly leaving Panda with Yuuji.

But Panda was out with principal Yaga and Yuuji would be alone with Gojo for the next two days.  Or so he thought.

"Sorry, but I was called in for a meeting this evening.  I don't know how long I'll be gone for." Gojo felt bad for leaving the younger boy, "I'll try to be back as soon as I could."

Gojo carefully looked at Yuuji for a few seconds, "Though, if I don't come back by tonight.  Maybe you can see if you can sleep a bit on your own?"

They all knew that Yuuji had been depending on them with his lack of sleep and nightmares, but were they being a liability for him?  Were they letting Yuuji being too dependent on them to the point that Yuuji would no longer be able to sleep comfortably without them?

There was only one way to know, and that was to let him sleep by himself for either one night or maybe even two or three.  For sure, the first night may be different and hard to get used to since they had all been sleeping together for a week, and the change of being alone would feel different.  And by the second and third night, that's why they would really know for sure if he could be on his own.

Yuuji nodded, "Okay." Yuuji agreed, he did feel bad about having all of them spend their night with him.  Some of them may have been used to doing other things before sleeping.  Maybe reading, watching a show.  And he felt that maybe he was well enough to be on his own.  He couldn't always depend on them forever.

After all, they won't always be there, and he won't always be there for them either.


Fiddling with a string from the hem of his shirt, Yuuji took small sips of water from his cup of water.

Honestly, he was a little bit nervous of being alone.  He wasn't afraid of being alone, but he was worried, afraid, of having those nightmares again.

"It'll be okay." He said to himself as he switched off the lights in his room and plopped himself down on his bed.

Settling in further into a comfortable spot, his breath began to even out after a few minutes, and he fell into a deep sleep.

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