Chapter 25

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"Thank you again", I said after we were on the ship and heading away from the island. "No problem", John said. Then, something hit the side of the ship, hard. "What was that", Jon yelled. Then off in the distance, we saw another ship, one that looked like an early ironclad warship. "Pirates", Jon asked, confused. "No", said Fru-Fru. "Werehyenas".

On the other ship, lightie stood watching the ship, which was now the target of the werehyena navy's cannons. Marri came up to her from below deck. "We are ready to fire", he said. "Well then fire", lightie responded angrily. "I already told you to fire when ready", she said. "Oh, ah", Marri stuttered. "Sorry".

"Werehyenas", Jon asked. "Yeah there's a race of humanoid hyenas that live on that island", Fru-Fru explained. "And I heard that they have somewhat of a navy". "A very old fashioned one, but they've got it". "Well we're outta distance from those cannons now", Jon said. "So no need to worry". At which point we officially began sailing home.

Meanwhile on the werehyena ship. Lightie managed to keep her cool, but was furious inside. "Those ghouls", she said to herself. "They will pay".

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