Chapter 13

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"hello darling", he growled to me as I ran for my life. I expected to be able to outrun him easily, but caught up to me and threw me to the floor. He then grabbed me by the hair and held me pulled backwards, ending just centimeters from snapping my neck. "It didn't have to be this way", he said. "We could have just gone back to the way things were, if only you had let Fru-Fru die". "Listen to yourself", I told him. "This isn't you Zeather, this isn't the werecat I knew". My eyes began to fill with tears. "The werehyenas, what did they do to you", I asked him. To my surprise he paused, but didn't let me go. I looked down at the floor. His eyes glowed so brightly I could see their reflection. He had a devious look in his eyes. "Your just lucky you have many to defend you outside", he replied. "So give me a moment before I gut you", he said as he through me to the floor and charged to door.

Zeather crashed through the door and teleported, reappearing poolside. "And that's how you make an entrance", he said. Everyone cheered, thinking he was awesome. "You should be screaming and crying, not cheering", he said. He looked around a bit before saying, "well how about I give you something to cry about". Then, he pulled out a knife and through it into a guy's head. Everyone then then started running. "Now that's more like it", he chuckled. He then cornered a guy against the fence and slashed him to death with his claws. Then he pulled out his blade and started slashing folks to death, two guys and two ghouls. Finally a guy running ran right into Zeather and was stabbed deep in the stomach, bleeding to death from his wounds. But while many were running away from Zeather, one guy bravely confronted him saying, "ok we give up, will give you anything you need please, please, just let us help you". Zeather replied asking," help me"? "No kid, it's you helping me, it's me helping you to die quicker", he explained before grabbing the guy and throwing him over the fence where his neck broke. "Well, think I definitely succeeded", he said, laughing.

A hand pulled out an portable clock and opened it to check the time. Once the individual saw the time she said, "the time has come".

I was looking for my friends when I heard Frankie calling me over. I ran to her immediately. "Are you all okay", I asked. "Yeah", Frankie replied. I looked around, and noticed someone was missing. "Where's Fru-Fru", asked in a panic. "Over here", she said as she ran twords us. "We gotta get out of here", she told us. "We know", I said. "Zeathers here". "And so are we", voice said. We turned toward it, and were met by a musket barrel. We turned around to see a caped werehyena with his gun trained on us. "Don't even think about running, or that's the last thing you'll do", he told us. He had salmon pink and brown fur, was wearing shorts, two belts that crossed over his chest and around his back, and a bright red cape, as well as some golden accessories, like ear piercings and wristbands. "Okay", I said as we put our hands in the air and dropped to our knees. "Good", he replied. "Now I gotta keep you here until Marri shows up", he said. We heard a lot of screaming in the distance, yet I remained cool with the werehyena, even asking him his name, to which he replied, "Lord Trakar".

Meanwhile as everyone ran in all directions, trying to find places to hide, a guy and ghoul saw a truck and got inside. "Yes", the guy said, looking at the keys in the ignition. "Does this old thing even run", the ghoul asked. "Only one way to find out", the guy replied. Then the vehicles front half started to lift up, and passersby could see a werehyena with peach, light brown, and light tan fur, and wearing an egyptian styled outfit. "Outstanding", she said as she held the front half of the truck in the air with one hand. "I was hoping to work with a one reve max, but your those who will", she continued as she tilted the truck over on it's side. "Feel the burn"! The truck fell on it's side with a loud thud, though the guy and ghoul inside were both in one piece. Despite that the werehyena still smashed the engine compartment completely with two single handed punches, before moving on with other business. But before she did, one of the boys that was harassing Clawdeen and Fru-Fru came up and punched her in the nose. "Really", she said as she stood up showing off the seven feet of height that she had compared to him. He tried to sound like he wasn't scared by insulting her, but she didn't budge, for she knew this was an act. Then she grabbed him and shanked him through the gut and out the back with her sword over seven times. Before dropping his dead body to the ground. Then two ghouls ran right into two more werehyenas, who cracked their heads open with their axe's. One of them had a black and grey color scheme, with little blue streaks in her hair. She wore a wife beater with a jacket over it, and a pair of shorts. She was also missing her left eye. Meanwhile the other one was white, black, and pink, and wore a piece of a shirt around her torso, along with a pair of shorts that looked like they were once pants. And while she moved forward, the other one saw two ghouls running in her direction and saw that the truck had a tow cable. She quickly grabbed it and whipped it in their direction, decapitating them both. Some blood managed to get into her empty left eye socket, but she stuck her finger in her eye socket and cleared the blood out like her finger was a quetip.

Near the pool, some individuals were being held there as another one of the boys that were harassing Clawdeen and Fru-Fru, who had found a pistol. He was assisted by another guy until, a werehyena dropped from the roof and swung her axe into his head, cutting it in half at the jaw. As the body fell to the ground and the top part of the guys head rolled off, the other guy fired only for it to do nothing to her. She responded by swinging her axe into his torso, lifting him while he was stuck on her axe, and slamming it to the ground cutting him in half at the waste. This werehyena was tan and light brown, and wore a multicolored top, with a pair of shorts. At which point Zeather showed up with more werehyenas. He looked down and admired his generals work. "Good job Chopuri", he said. She took a bow and said, "thank you, your magstey". "Oh and better yet", Zeather continued. "I hear that Clawdeen and her friends are in Lord Trakars possession, and I see that we now have a little crowd to feast on". He instructed the werehyenas to surround and keep the crowd there for now, as he went to get Clawdeen and her friends.

"Where the heck is he", Lord Trakar said after a while of waiting. Then the last of the boys that were harassing me and Fru-Fru, Huffer Huntsman, came out and pointed a pistol at Trakar. "Get lost", he told the werehyena veteran. "Really", Trakar replied. "You really think a gun is gonna stop me", he asked. "If you don't leave, your getting a bullet in your chest", he told him. "Go ahead", Trakar replied. "Do your worst". So Huffer fired at the werehyenas chest. Only for the bullet to hit, but do nothing. "Huh", Huffer replied. "Why aren't you dead", he asked. "It's not like you got time to think about it", Trakar said, pointing behind Huffer. He turned to see a white, black, and pink werehyena, with teal clothing. Opon seeing her Huffer fired every last round in the pistol at her, only to do nothing to her, and for her to grab his hand and squeeze it, breaking the gun, and completely crashing his hand. She then grabbed his head and squeezed it so hard it popped like a pimple. She then threw his dead body to the ground. "Hey Lightie", Trakar said to her. "I thought Marri was supposed to come here, not you". She looked at us for a second before replying. "He didn't come", she asked. "No sign of him anywhere", he told her. I looked over my shoulder while they were talking. I saw a bag that had been dropped in the chaos. And it had a first aid kit in it. Then, we heard familiar sounds. "Not these things again", Lightie said as Animalistic Leishmania Parasites arrived. With one striking from the roof and crushing a guy's head in it's jaws. And others wrapping themselves around survivors and biting them. We weren't secured with any chains or shackles, probably because this Marri was supposed to have them, and this was the perfect distraction. So I made a bold move. I ran over to the bag and grabbed it without being heard. "Run", I told my friends. This time Trakar heard me loud and clear as my friends did just that. "Oh no you don't", he said as he grabbed his musket and fired at me. I managed to avoid the shot and run off. I caught up to my friends quickly, which is when I realized that we had escaped. I could even hear Trakar scream in anger as I ran.

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