Chapter 11

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I awoke to the sun shining in my eyes. "It's time to get moving", Fru-Fru said as she woke me up. We had slept the rest of the night up in trees. Not the best spot to sleep, but we made do.

After I had climbed down I asked, "so where we going now"? "We're gonna keep moving forward", she said. "Ya still wanna get to the other side of the island, don't you", she asked. "Yeah", I replied. So from their we got moving again. Along the way, we found a classmate of ours, Venus Mcflytrap, with Venus being particularly happy to see us.

This time our walk took us to what looked like a dessert. "Oh great", said Cleo. "Now I have to walk through this ". "Now this doesn't make any sense", Frankie exclaimed. "How is there a dessert near the middle of the island"? "That just seems to be how it is", Fru-Fru replied. "Besides, there's a fair bit of stuff about the island that doesn't make sense", she added. As we continued to walk through the dessert, Fru-Fru came to my side. "How ya holding up", she asked. "Surprisingly fine, considering our situation", I told her. "I can tell your still worried about Zeather", she said. "Yeah", I replied. "In particular about if he's alive or dead", I told her. "He may be trying to kill us, but I still loved him at one point", I added. "To be honest, I'm not too concerned about that, given that he survived a magic spell, of which I still don't know how he did", she explained. "But I am worried about his sanity", she told me. "He clearly must have had it completely when he became king of the werehyenas, but will this drive to kill us be his undoing". "Not sure", I replied. We stopped when we heard a strange sound. It was weird because it sounded like a scream. "Hello", Venus asked as she walked toward the noise. "Don't go out there", said Fru-Fru. "Come on someone could be hurt", Venus replied. Suddenly a pair of jaws clamped onto her, shook her around and swallowed her. The creature then moved it's head to the side to get a good look at us. It had a body like a monitor lizard, but with spikey armor, and a head shaped like a pair of keys from the side. It then growled and charged at us, at which point I could see that it was huge, but couldn't tell how big it truly was. Surprisingly Fru-Fru stood her ground against the creature, cutting it's leg with a strike from her spear. The creature roared a loud roar that sounded like a scream. Fru-Fru ducked into a ditch as the creature turned around and it's tail whipped in her direction. That's when I saw the tail and saw that it had a blade-like end to it. It snapped in my direction and then ran the other way. Then the creature turned it's attention to Frankie, and ran twords her. "Run", Draculaura screamed. Frankie did just that. The creature almost caught up to her but got slowed down by some large bones. Frankie ducked into a large ribcage as the creature tried to get her to eat. Then, a head emerged from the ground and bit onto the creature. Then more heads joined in and started to eat the creature alive, riping off it's legs and tail, before tearing into it's body. Frankie got out of the ribcage and ran to us. We hugged her. "Ok now what the heck were those", Cleo asked. "The lizard", Fru-Fru explained. "Keyhead crawler". "And the heads that tore it apart, sand sharks". "Both creatures perfectly suited to live in a dessert". "How do sharks live in sand", I asked. "Not sure, but I do know there's probably more around so we better get moving", she replied. And so we did just that and eventually got out of the dessert.

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