Chapter 12

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As day turned to night we came across a house with lights on inside. And this immediately interested us since there were normal individuals outside. "Hey", Frankie shouted from a distance. "Over here", a ghoul replied, waving her hand. We ran to her immediately. From there we were brought inside.

"Are you the other class that was coming", the ghouls asked me as her friends tended to our injured friends. Of which, Frankie and Draculaura had some cuts and bruises, and Lagoonas head was killing her. "Most of us are", I replied. "But Fru-Fru here", I said pointing to Fru-Fru. "She's a survivor of something else", I told her. "Well, we've found this house with working water and electricity, thus fresh food and water", she explained. "And we're happy to share". "Thank you", I told her. "I Clawdeen Wolf", I replied. "I'm Rachel Ripper", she told me.

Later on, Rachel was with Fru-Fru, learning her story. Fru-Fru was happy to keep getting folks to talk to. There were actually a lot of folks here, and I heard that they were planning a party. I was hoping that wouldn't happen, only to be completely unaware of the massacre about to take place.

I saw some boys talking with two ghouls and one boy, telling them to guard the place for the party was starting soon. Which Fru-Fru must of herd. "Are you three insane", she asked them. "Look ghoul", one of the boys told her. "Our authority is way over yours so, our call", he told her. "Do you know what's out there", she fiercely responded. "Do you know how long I've survived here". "So what", he replied. "About all of it, so what about all of it, it's probably just a hoax". "So your saying", she paused for a moment. "That my parents dying is a hoax", she screamed at him. "So what about your parents", he yelled back. That set her off. She grabbed him by the neck, but he and one of his friends started beating her up. At which point, I went in. "Let her go", I told the boys. Then the third ran up to me and punched me in the face breaking my nose, but I didn't give up. I grabbed him and got him in a headlock. Looking over I saw table next to us, so I rammed his head into it three times, knocking him out cold. I turned to Fru-Fru and saw the boys throw her in a closet and slide a baseball bat through the handlebars keeping it shut. I snuck up on one and scratched him in the face. He turned to face me, only for me to jump to the wall and kick him in the face, sending him to the ground. I actually surprised myself, as I would have never thought I was that smooth and agile. The last guy turned to me, and Rachel walked in. "Huffer, get out of here", she screamed at him. He and the other guy got running, leaving their partner behind. "I, I'm so sorry", she said. She then noticed Fru-Fru in the closet. "What the heck", she said as she removed the baseball bat and opened up the closet. "Fru-Fru are you ok", she asked. "I'm, I'm, not sure", Fru-Fru replied. "Don't you worry", she said. "I'll get you checked out, and then, the boys are gonna get one heck of a punishment if not thrown out". "Thank you", Fru-Fru replied. "Hey before you go", I told her. "Be sure to get the party stopped". "Will do", she replied.

The boy outside was watching the woods when he saw a flash of lightning in the distance. "Well great, dry lighting", he said to himself. Then, out of nowhere, a knife flew into his his head with such force it caused him to fly backwards right into the wall and slide down it. Shortly after. A ghoul guarding the place was watching the dry lighting herself. A flash of which revealed someone standing behind her holding a pitchfork, and lasted just long enough to show that same someone shave the pitchfork into her back. And shortly after that, another ghoul guarding the place turned around for a second, and someone snuck up on her and twisted her head around cracking open her neck.

"How you doing", I asked when Fru-Fru returned. "Much better", she replied. "Any major injuries", I asked. "Nah, just dazed", she responded. She walked off and Rachel walked in. "Haven't found the boys yet", she told me. "But I'll find them soon". Then we heard a knock at the door. "I hope that's them", she told me as she answered the door. Only to get an axe to her head and thrown aside. The intruder sniffed the air. "Cozy little place you've got", he said. It was Zeather.

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