Chapter 16

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We walked until we saw something among the plant life. "What is that", Draculaura asked. "Let's check it out", Fru-Fru replied. "I thought you knew where you were going", Cleo asked annoyed. "I need to see if this is what I think it is", Fru-Fru responded. "In that case, I think I'm better off leading us", Cleo said. "Alright then, the woods are right there", Fru-Fru said, pointing at the woods. "Lead us". We laughed. "Never mind", Cleo said nervously. "Continue on". We did so and entered. But right as I was about to enter I saw something, a group of strange creatures flying through the air. "Bamorphodons", Fru-Fru said. "Their strange flying creatures", she told me. "Not typically considered dangerous, yet I still advise you to get in here". So I did. "Yeah, I recognize this place", Fru-Fru said. "It's a booth". "A booth for what", Lagoona asked. "Rides up the bloodbath river", Fru-Fru answered. "You see, this is where people would go pay for their ride", Fru-Fru said, pointing to a counter. "It's like a boat ride". "Meaning, there may be some boats outside", she said excited. As we walked twords the exit door, I heard Frankie struggle. "You ok", I asked her. She got her dress stuck on a spikey growing plant. Which she ripped away from, ripping off a piece of her outfit as she did. "I'm fine", she said as she ran over to me. As she did, I saw two empty displays on the wall. They appeared to have been broken and what was inside them removed, though I didn't pay to much attention to them and moved on. "Okay", Fru-Fru said. "We have some boats, but do they run, now that's the question". "I'm surprised that their so big", said Draculaura. "Yeah, I was to when I saw them", Fru-Fru said. "I mean their still small enough to be swamp boats, but still". She then pulled on a cord and started up the engine. "Dang", she said surprised. "The tank must be full to start up that quick". "Meaning there's definitely enough to get us to that battlefield", she said. "Load in everyone", I said as I climbed on myself. We all got in the boat and we drove off down the river.

After a little while of walking, Zeather smelled something. He sniffed the air a few times before saying, "I smell something". "You think you actually smell them", Giga asked. "It may be them, it may be a trace of them", Zeather responded. "But one things for sure", he said. "We won't know until we find out". They walked in the direction of the scent, where they came across the booth, which Zeather recognized. "Wait a minute", Zeather said, sniffing the air. "I think I know this booth". The two slashers then entered. "Yeah", Zeather said.  "This is were I found I found my blade, and where Warrioress found hers", Zeather said, pointing to the empty displays. Then he looked down, and saw a piece of fabric. He grabbed it and showed it to Giga asking, "does this look familiar"? Giga looked at it. "Yup, that definitely came off of Frankie's skirt", Giga replied. "So they definitely were here", Zeather said. "And were recently, but then, where did they go from here", Zeather asked. They went out the next door and saw the dock. "Do you think they took a boat and went up river", Giga asked. "Well someone's definitely taken a boat", Zeather replied. "As there was another boat the last time I was here". They then stepped back inside, and saw a map on the wall. "So we are here", Zeather said, pointing to a location on the map. "And up river is an area where they could get some supplies", Zeather explained. "So yeah, I'd say they took a boat and went up river". "So in that case, how are we going to get them", Giga asked. "Well, you can take the other boat", Zeather suggested. "Meanwhile, I think I'm gonna show off my fantastic swimming abilities", Zeather said. "You can swim", Giga asked surprised.  "But your a werecat", he said. "Just because I'm feline, doesn't mean I can't swim", Zeather told him. "And as for my swimming ability, I'm a blue ribbon swimmer", Zeather exclaimed. "Well if that's the plan, since we're working together, we need a place to meet up", Giga said. "Your right", Zeather replied. He looked at the map. "Here's a good spot", he said, pointing to a location on the map. "The diserted werehyena fort, sharp's bane". "Seased by the trial wolves during the war of the unknown island's, and now, just a wreck, but a good place to meet up later on", Zeather explained. "So you go there, and if I'm not there, wait for me, because I'll be coming". "Sounds like a plan", Giga said. So Giga took off in the boat while Zeather swam the bloodbath river.

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