Chapter 22

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After we got outta there we began talking about our plan, which at this point was the same. "At this point we shouldn't have a problem getting to the coast", I said just as we walked into a strange area. With a dead Whalewolf laying next to the remains of a fort. "What's this", Frankie asked. "I've heard about this place", Fru-Fru said after looking around a bit. "This is Sharp's Bane, originally a mighty werehyena fort, until it fell an invading army of tribal wolves". "Tribal wolves", Cleo asked. "They're another race of ghouls that live on islands out in these parts, and who fought a war with the werehyenas over this island", Fru-Fru explained. "The war resulted in the tribal wolves losing the entire island, which they were going to share before they started the war, to the werehyenas". "Then they shouldn't have started a war", Cleo replied. "Oh I think I know these tribal wolves", I said. "They fought my kind for independence from us werewolves", I said. "This is also the place you die", a voice said. We turned around, and there was Giga. "Giga", Frankie gasped. "Well hello to you too, Frankie Stein", Giga replied. "And it ain't just me". Then we turned around, and were shocked to see Zeather, who leapt off a rock and stood up next to us. "Well, I see our plans worked Giga", he said. "Indeed", Giga replied. "You two are working together", Draculaura asked. "Yelp, and we made a deal so that Giga will kill Frankie and I will kill Clawdeen and Fru-Fru", Zeather responded. But then Frankie put in her neck screws and pulled Giga's screws right out of him, as well as pulling Zeathers blade out of his hand. "Run", Frankie screamed. Knowing this was a good time to do so, we did just that.

"Well, that's inconvenient for me", Zeather said to himself as he went to retrieve his blade. "At least it's still got it's blade". "Hey, down here", Giga said. Zeather looked down and saw Giga in pieces. "Well", Zeather said as he laughed. "You've certainly seen better days, I suppose you could say that you literally have a screw lose". Zeather laughed. "Oh yeah, very funny", Giga replied. "Now can you get me back into one piece", he asked angrily. "Well sorry pal, but Frankie's got your screws", Zeather said. "But don't worry, after I get done slaughtering the ghouls I'll come and put you back together like the good sport you are". "I'm gonna kill you I swear to god", Giga yelled to Zeather as he ran off and left Giga behind, knowing he broke their deal.

We ran as fast as we could eventually coming across the remains of what looked like another werehyena fort. But stopped short of falling into a large crack in the ground. Draculaura was able to turn into her bat form and fly over it. But as for the rest of us. "We're gonna have to jump", Fru-Fru said. "Us first", I said taking Frankie's hand. We managed to get over easily. "You and me next", Lagoona said to Cleo. "You and me", she said. "Do you want to be torn apart", Lagoona asked. "Okay", Cleo replied. They jumped and just made it over. Fru-Fru as predicted, made it easily. We then saw Zeather who, almost fell in himself. Looking at the crack he seemingly decided to let us go, running off into the forest. But he apparently just getting a running start. He ran up and jumped. He did not make it perfectly and ended up slipping in. But he caught himself and started climbing out to kill us, saying as he did, "your mine now". We ran into the fort to find a place to hide. And as Zeather climbed out of the crack and walked into the fort, I could almost here him say, "no matter how fast you run, no matter where you hide, I'll always catch you".

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