Besides have you seen him? Fiery red hair, a thin but still muscular frame, lightly golden shimmering skin, the metal eye with the scars, which could never destroy how pretty he was, and his normal eye with a burning fire inside. And besides his looks he's known as a fox with a silver tongue - clever and quick-witted. Things I really apreciate him for.

And yeah, Elain is nice and I like her, but more as a friend, if had to choose between these two I'd decide to chrush on Lucien without hesitation...what kinda is the situation right now.

"So...why do you hate me?"

Lucien Pov.


I was caught off guard and stared at him blankly, heat rushing to my cheeks as only a row of stutters left my mouth.


"No need to get flustered. I know that you don't like me, so why?", he answered, his face still unreadable.

"Well, your flirting with my mate", I answered bluntly.

"I'm flirting with Elain?", he asked and bent his head lightly to the side, eyeing me curiously with his beautiful eyes.

"No, my other mate, you know. Of course Elain, don't play dumb!", maybe it wasn't my best idea to raise my voice at him, but it was too late to change that anyways.

"We are just friends"

"Are you kidding me? I'm not blind!", I jumped up from my chair. "She rejected the bond because of you!"

"She didn't. She's just not ready for a new relationship yet, thats why she rejected you"

"And you're being her 'friend' and are actually waiting for her to be ready again or what?!", I spat.

"No, I'm actually more into guys", he deadpanned.

"Yeah, su-...wait...What?", freaking gods! What is happening here?!

He smirked a bit and stood up to get himself a cup of tea.

"Let me explain...", he said, his voice as calm as always.

"I'm all ears", I stated and sat on the table, my legs dangling slightly above the ground.

"I was basically crushing on Mor my whole life, but as she came out, I wondered if maybe I was gay too. That this was the reason why I felt so different with her, because she's like me. Turned out that's exactly the case. I'm way more into men then women", he ended his little explanation and leaned against the kitchen sink, while crossing his arms in front of his chest. Looking straight into my eyes he waited for a reaction.

But I was just staring at him, my jaw wide open."And Elain?"

"Elain knows. We're quite close. She's really sweet which cheers me up and in turn she knows that there's no chance it could ever turn romantical between us which helps her to catch herself again."

"Wow...I didn't expect that."

Azriel chuckled. Such a soothing sound.

"And now?", I asked him.

"You tell me. Do you want to just go on like before? Or try being friends? Or..", he didn't end his sentence and started walking towards me, standing right in front of me.

"Or?", I looked up at him, totally fascinated, like I was under a spell.

He smirked again. "Whatever you want", he mumbled and put his right hand on my left thigh, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb.

And that's when I lost it! I grabbed his collar and pulled him into a kiss! Cauldron, this felt better then any kiss I ever had before!

He pulled back a bit, his face just inches away from mine. I wanted to lean in again, but then-

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